Archive by category Wellness & Wellbeing for All

Journey To Wellbeing

What are we really seeking in Life?

Illbeing or Well Being?

No Doubt!Well Being!!

Let’s understand that Well Being is an Ideal, Balanced state in Our Life,
where one is leading a Stress-free, Serene Life in Positive Health,
Harmony,Happiness,Love and Peace.

Experiencing Well Being is really a Journey in Life.

Please join Us in this journey!!


How Meditation Helps to Manage Mental Crisis in COVID-19 Like Pandemics

Dr. Purushothaman
June 14, 2020

We are passing through a terrible time never experience in life when we are really feeling anxious, frightened, confused, and tense in present situations. …

Mental And Emotional Tips For Becoming Successful

Dr. Purushothaman
June 10, 2020

No entrepreneur was able to achieve triumph without experiencing failure. In every success story, there will always be some chapters filled with …

For Healthy Skin Eat These Super Foods

Dr. Purushothaman
June 7, 2020

A clear, fair, younger-looking skin is a dream for everyone. As the years pass, the skin loses its firmness and starts to get wrinkled. Then why to sit back …

Important Benefits Of Daily Walking

Dr. Purushothaman
June 3, 2020

There are different benefits that you will be able to enjoy when you walk. One of which is to make your heart stronger. Aside from that, it is also one of the …

Do You Know These 7 Super Foods To Prevent Hair Loss

Dr. Purushothaman
May 31, 2020

Many people desire to have strong and healthy hair, especially when they start losing it. According to research people usually start losing their hair in their …

Why Should You Visit A Dentist Regularly

Dr. Purushothaman
May 27, 2020

Your set of pearly whites plays a crucial role in delivering nutrition to your body. The process of digestion begins right in your mouth. Therefore the overall …

How To Manage OCD By Some Simple Tips

Dr. Purushothaman
May 24, 2020

OCD, known as obsessive-compulsive disorder, is usually treated by medication. It is a psychological disorder that cannot be diagnosed by normal medical …

Simple Tips To Keep Your Breathing Air Clean & Pure

Dr. Purushothaman
May 20, 2020

You may perhaps have a bad air day daily and we are talking about indoor air. The inside air quality in your house may be upsetting your health and the health …

Psychological & Health Benefits of Spiritual Practices

Dr. Purushothaman
May 17, 2020

From time immemorial religion, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, and related subjects are of great concern to all people all over the world. About 80% of …

How To Reduce Daily Stress In Workaholics

Dr. Purushothaman
May 13, 2020

Working for your passion and your goals to achieve is good as long as you are not overlooking your mental and physical health. Being a workaholic makes you …

Important Things To Learn From COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Purushothaman
May 10, 2020

The entire humanity is passing through the most miserable and mysterious period never experienced in the history of mankind. The sudden unexpected COVID 19 …

Best Tips For Caring Our Loved One

Dr. Purushothaman
May 6, 2020

Caring for a loved one from far away can be difficult, to say the least. You want to make sure they stay healthy and happy, but it can be hard to help them …

How to be Free from COVID-19 Stress and Strain

Dr. Purushothaman
May 3, 2020

The Covid-19 Pandemic has created a lot of unforgettable and unforeseen physical, mental, and other socioeconomic problems for the whole of humanity for the …

Lessons We Should Learn From the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Purushothaman
April 29, 2020

The present COVID-19 Pandemic should be looked upon from a different perspective- In the Philosophical Metaphysical and Universal approach. The whole miserable …

Why Should We Consult Medical Marijuana Doctor Before Using

Dr. Purushothaman
April 26, 2020

Medicinal pot is a dubious theme. It is very simple to feel overpowered by media drama and exaggeration in the consistent fight between writers, police …

How to Manage Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stress Effectively?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 22, 2020

“Let us Label it as the Pandemic Stress of this Millennium” The Coronavirus/COVID-19 word is at the tip of the tongue of everybody all the time all over …

How To Self-Protect From Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) Pandemic

Dr. Purushothaman
April 19, 2020

Our World is passing through a tough time, when each and everybody is under the threat of the Covid – 19 attack, which is spreading in the community in a big …

How to Approach Covid-19 in A Novel Way?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 5, 2020

  In this millennium the entire humanity, irrespective of age, sex, creed, custom, religion, socioeconomic status and country, are experiencing the most …

Why should you Meditate?

Dr. Purushothaman
March 22, 2020

The benefits of a meditation practice are no secret. A lot of studies have highlighted the positive impact that meditation has on our overall health and …

8 Reasons Why Traveling Is Good for Your Health

Dr. Purushothaman
February 5, 2020

There is no doubt that traveling is good for health, perhaps traveling is good for the soul. Undoubtedly traveling comes with a bouquet of uncertainties, …

Kundalini Yoga - A Course In Self Mastery

Dr. Purushothaman
February 2, 2020

My birth name is Jean-Marc and I was born and raised in the South of France. Although I grew accustomed to the sound of my name, its uniqueness have always …

10 Novel Ideas to Change Your Life in 2020

Dr. Purushothaman
December 31, 2019

From the beginning of time, people all over the world, irrespective of religious & spiritual practices, socioeconomic status, cultural systems and regional …

What are your tips for getting into a Meditation Routine?

Dr. Purushothaman
November 20, 2019

Meditation is one of the best habits you can incorporate into your daily life. If you want to keep stress at bay and learn how to control your mind and …