10 Novel Ideas to Change Your Life in 2020

Dr. Purushothaman
December 31, 2019

From the beginning of time, people all over the world, irrespective of religious & spiritual practices, socioeconomic status, cultural systems and regional differences gave importance to every New Year in their life. Every Year people all over the world hope for a change, dream for new things and set their goals and plans and celebrate the New Year with great hope and ambitions. We should understand that life is an ever changing phenomenon. Really change is taking place every moment, every day, every week, and every month and for that matter every year and our entire life. Many a time the plans & projects we started might not have yet completed. Newer and newer ideas may be coming to our mind and we plan to execute the same. This phenomenon is continuing in our life. The time that already gone is gone. It will not come back. So instead of worrying about the past, let us hope for a purposeful and successful life in the coming year. To make sure that the passion for your goal is not lost as the time is passing, you must follow some quick precises that will keep your drive afloat.
Bellow you can find 10 unique ideas that can be implemented consistently if you wish to change your life for a better 2020

1. Set realistic boundaries

Consider engaging in activities that are achievable rather than having those dreams that are far-fetched. In this way, you will reach your set goals faster and will also be enthusiastic throughout the year. Setting unrealistic goals will likely lead to frustration, burnout and will have you give up earlier.

2. Start a fitness routine

You certainly have heard that health comes first. Our mental and emotional strengths and weaknesses are also regulated by our physical wellbeing. You need not be a hard-core fitness enthusiast, but should dedicate at least 15 minutes of your time daily to your body. Choose the exercise routine as per your liking- if you like running or meditation with yoga. Improve your BMI and know that a great body also results in a better mind.

3. Make sure to have fun

Goals need not necessarily be only serious ones. Completing your checklist with joy is essential so that you are not pressurised by your own achievements or lack thereof. Along with your life’s many objectives, include a few things that you have longed for and are fun like taking an international solo trip or knowing off some extreme adventure activity.

4. Trust your instincts

There is no going ahead in life if you do not trust your own inner voice. Your intuition is largely a result of your past experiences and helps you make the right decisions ahead. Remember, that unlike what most people say, choices can be reversed. And if they cannot, then they have a lesson to teach us. Have faith in yourself, boost your confidence, make firm decisions and take control over your own life. Because there is no better way to make any decision than listening to your full being, is there?

5. Change how you see yourself

Who would want to invest in you if you think so lowly about yourself? A lot of people criticize themselves and take it as a reminder of who they do not want to be. However, this could largely affect you negatively rather than having a positive impact. Delete all negative self-talk and keep yourself on the move always. Remind yourself that no matter what role you find yourself in, believe that you have the capacity to be a leader.

6. Accept your flaws

A great place to start is to admit who you are. You need the discipline to do this for you cannot in any way cheat yourself. There is no harm in acquiring knowledge about new things and accepting the things you do not know. There is always an opportunity to learn. Be courageous enough to accept yourself for who you truly are and do things differently.

7. Pen it down

It might seem like a lot of unnecessary extra work to write down what you have in mind, but it surely works in your favour. A mind on your mission is great, however, writing your goals down on a paper and keeping them ahead of you at all times proves to be useful. The mind can play its games and you can easily be distracted. But if you have your mission statement in front of your eyes, it will be a constant reminder and you will be motivated all times. Vividly describing your goals on a paper also gives you more clarity and certainty in achieving your goals.

8. Practise gratitude

There is no growth if you do not appreciate what you have achieved. Fill your life with kindness as it boosts more positive emotions such as optimism, love, enthusiasm, joy, and happiness. Moreover, it protects you from the destructive emotions of greed, envy, bitterness, and resentment.

9. Meet new people

New people open up new perspectives. With your routine life, you will get stuck in a rut and miss out on a lot of interesting opportunities to socialize and network. You understand the different challenges people face and also get a view on how they tackle their obstacles. It widens your horizons and expands your knowledge. Many times, people may point out flaws or strengths in you that you may have never noticed about yourself.

10. Track your progress

Set a timeline for all your goals. In this way, you will know what level of effort to put in to achieve every set aim and if it still does not turn out in your favour, you will know when to quit and move on to the next. Track your success and do not waste time and energy on what is not coming through your way

Indulging in retrospection is essential and re-evaluating some of your life’s choices for the betterment is a must. Not every day will be a piece of cake, however, by practising a few simple habits you will be able to salvage the day after all. We are all a work in progress until the very last day and we must strive hard to make every day count!

Hope that the above guidelines will definitely act as a lamp and light for a flowering future. You can also add your own guidelines to set your own goals and dreams for 2020, leading all of you for a renewed life journey with great destination and difference.

"Let the year 2020 be the beginning of a new beginning"

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