• The quickest insect is that the Australian dragon fly (its high speed is fifty seven km/h (35mp/h))
  • Honey bees kill additional folks every year than snakes
  • There are over a 100,000 completely different species of butterflies
  • There are over 80,000 completely different species of ants
  • All the planets in our system might match within Jupiter
  • A space on the Suns surface for the equivalent of a stamp would shine with the brightness of over 1,500,000 candles
  • More than 1,000,000 Earths might match within the Sun
  • The Moon weighs eighty one billion tons
  • The world's initial paved streets were ordered in Rome in a hundred and seventy B.C.
  • It takes 1100 watts to power a toaster
  • Natural gas has no smell (the odor is by artificial means side so folks are able to determine leaks)
  • There are specifically 1, 048,576 bytes in one computer memory unit
  • Rainbows will solely be seen within the morning or late afternoon (the sun has to be but 40° on top of the horizon)
  • Acorns are toxic to humans (if consumed it will cause injury to your kidneys)
  • All hurricanes kinds over the ocean and might last up to ten days
  • There are over 225,000 trees in New York's Central Park
  • Chalk is formed from little being fossils
  • 80% of the world's rose species return from Asia
  • 8.5 million heaps of water evaporates from the Dead Sea on a daily basis
  • Every physical object on the planet contains carbon