Why should you Meditate?
The benefits of a meditation practice are no secret. A lot of studies have highlighted the positive impact that meditation has on our overall health and …
Understanding Ourselves Totally is the Key to Self-Knowledge, Self-Help, Self-Growth or Self-Improvement. Here you can find relevant articles related to Human Life Themes enabling all of us to activate our Inner Potentials & opening new Pathways for Total Success in Life
The benefits of a meditation practice are no secret. A lot of studies have highlighted the positive impact that meditation has on our overall health and …
When the density of the bone is lost, it will lead to fragility of the bone. Fragile bones tend to break easily and this can lead to osteoporosis. This …
Anxiety at any point can make it difficult to go about the day and hamper your ability to function normally. Anxiety during night time is especially worse as …
Fear is a common problem and everyone experiences it at some point in time. However, fear is not always bad; it helps you stay safe by alerting you of a …
Nervousness is a normal thing which can affect all of us. It happens when the body fells that something is going to happen. It is a normal reaction to a …
Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress. It is the feeling of fear and apprehension about what’s to come. Everything which can make a change in …
The fear of not being included in a group is called social anxiety disorder or social phobia. A person with social anxiety or phobia finds himself/herself …
There is no doubt that traveling is good for health, perhaps traveling is good for the soul. Undoubtedly traveling comes with a bouquet of uncertainties, …
From the beginning of time, people all over the world, irrespective of religious & spiritual practices, socioeconomic status, cultural systems and regional …
From childhood through to adulthood, mental health is a very important aspect of our lives. Encompassing our emotional, social and psychological wellbeing, it …
The rise of stress and anxiety has contributed a significant loss of productivity both practically every age group, but perhaps none has been more afflicted by …
Meditation is one of the best habits you can incorporate into your daily life. If you want to keep stress at bay and learn how to control your mind and …
Maturity can be defined as an ability of an individual to respond in an appropriate manner. If the person is mature, he will be aware of the correct time and …
Life is full of ups and downs. Your attitude and overall wellbeing determine how well you take up the challenges in your life. With a positive mental attitude, …
Everyone is trying to get a more beautiful life, beautiful doesn't mean physical beauty or financial circumstances. Beauty means all about our healthy living. …
Social anxiety is usually experienced when someone feels uncomfortable in social settings. Such settings make the person nervous rendering him inactive for …
Human beings are capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions and feelings. This usually creates some imbalance and disrupts the functioning of a healthy …
As per the recent reports, depression is one of the biggest challenges that Americans are facing today. In fact, going by the reports, depression affects one …
Anxiety can range from mild to severe, depending on the person and the situation. It is usually associated with feelings of fear, paranoia, uncertainty and …
Identifying feelings of anxiety and discomfort is the first step to resolve this issue. Once you find yourself experiencing unusual discomfort and jitters, it …
We are constantly amidst glamor and commotion as we strive to go about our day efficiently. It is usually difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle considering …
Emotional counseling or therapy is usually recognized as a means to overcome depression, anxiety and stress. However, it can be applied as an effective tool …
Do you think you are living each day of your life with vitality and enthusiasm? Or is it that you are defining your contentment quotient by just one …
Diabetes is a disease that is prone to affect anyone. As per the International Diabetes Federation, within the span of nine minutes, someone dies due to …
Irrespective of the intensity of anxiety and level of stress, it is important to understand and accept that it is a phase that will pass if treated properly. …