Archive by category Self-Improvement Tips

Gate Way to Self-Knowledge,Self-Help, Self-Growth, Self-Improvement & Success in Life

Understanding Ourselves Totally is the Key to Self-Knowledge, Self-Help, Self-Growth or Self-Improvement. Here you can find relevant articles related to Human Life Themes enabling all of us to activate our Inner Potentials & opening new Pathways for Total Success in Life

career counseling

Some things we should delete from our mind

Dr. Purushothaman
February 26, 2017

Our Mind is a storehouse of all our past memories events, happenings, incidents, emotions and the like many things. All our painful events are more stronger …

personal learning and development

Simple ways for a Faster Working Day

Dr. Purushothaman
February 26, 2017

Have you ever thought of how to be a smarter person by doing things smarter and faster? We may be smart in our life, but we may not be fast and also vice …

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Better Rules to live by

Dr. Purushothaman
February 26, 2017

To lead a better life is our real necessity. Most of us, most of the time are unaware of how to lead a better life. Throughout the Ages all the Religious and …

career guidance

Simple Tips for Working Smarter

Dr. Purushothaman
February 26, 2017

All of us work every day from morning to evening in various situations. But if you observe, we can see that some people are working very faster, very actively …

self motivation

Simple things for Self Motivation

Dr. Purushothaman
February 26, 2017

Motivating ourselves for a better tomorrow is of utmost importance to each & everybody. Actually, Self-motivation is a great skill that we have to develop. …

good astrologer online

100 Things to answer

Dr. Purushothaman
February 26, 2017

If we examine our life we can find that there are a lot of problems and situations which are always present. Many a time we are unable to solve these problems …

Topics for Blogging

Dr. Purushothaman
February 26, 2017

To start writing is sometimes is a problem for many of us. Most of the time we postpone it by saying I will start now, I will start tomorrow, etc. Many of us …

Introduction To NLP

Dr. Purushothaman
August 2, 2014

Why Study NLP? This is a question that people who are unfamiliar with NLP usually asks. Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is very beneficial in terms of …