We all know that health is the most important thing in our life. It is our duty to see that each and everybody adopt a healthy lifestyle, so that one can maintain positive health throughout. Even though some common infections and other injuries and accidents come to us, we can prevent a lot of health problems, especially the recent lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and other metabolic disorders. The majority of the recent health problems that affect the entire humanity is lifestyle related. Actually, our food habits and our daily lifestyle contribute a lot to our problems. Let us understand that 75% of the chronic health problems are diet related. In recent times, our sedentary habits and lack of exercises are also contributing factors. In the situation, it is worth to note that if we can change our daily habits and routines and if we adopt some good health habits, we can improve our health and wealth in a better way. Below you can find some simple tips for a healthy living.
Always make slow dietary changes.
It is better to plan healthy meals far in advance.
Never go to shopping especially, to Food Courts on an empty stomach.
Don’t believe in unhealthy food marketing.
Don’t depend on false health advertisements.
Select and purchase unadulterated food only.
Always emphasis on organic foods.
Every day it is better to drink 5 to 7 glasses of pure water.
Start your day drinking a cup of hot & fresh green tea.
Don’t add refined sugar to your coffee and tea.
Don’t drink soda and other synthetic drinks.
Always prepare your meals in advance.
Don’t take food from hotels and restaurants.
Reduce the intake of salt in your food.
Use more of healthy oils like olive oil and coconut oil.
Make raw vegetables a part of your meal.
Make it a point to see that you are a balanced diet for every meal.
Probiotics can be added to your diet.
Include more of omega- 3 fatty acids.
Don’t forget to add some spicy items to your food.
Better to eat some seasonal foods.
Avoid fried foods and always adopt healthy cooking methods.
Take your breakfast in proper time.
Add Nuts, Fruits and Vegetables for your snacks.
Make it a point eats one apple a day.
Take some chocolate ones a day.
Don’t eat too full stomach.
Do fasting at least twice a month.
Make it a habit to write a food journal.
When going upstairs walks the steps instead of a lift.
Whenever possible, go by walking.
Always be happy to do some household work.
Do some daily exercises every day morning.
Spent some time for some type of playing in the ground.
Do some cycling if possible.
Do some barefoot walking for a short distance.
Do some yoga practices.
Every day wake up in the early morning at the same time.
Every day go to sleep early at the same time.
Take only light meals at night.
Relax in your bed when going to sleep.
Have lovemaking with your partner.
Don’t take coffee and other stimulus before sleep.
Don’t use bright light in the bedroom.
Don’t involve in unnecessary things in life.
Take a nap after lunch.
Try to relax whenever you are stressed.
Practice breathing exercises whenever possible.
Don’t try to say ‘Yes’ to all questions.
Keep away from trouble shooting persons.
Find time to be with nature.
Spent some time with your pet.
Take an oil massage every day before you take a bath.
Give away your smoking habit.
Even if you drink do it in moderation.
Avoid unnecessary use of medicines.
Keep away from unhealthy situations.
Stand in the sunlight for 10 minutes daily.
Do some mental exercises that make you happy.
Reduce the time of TV watching.
Always have a ‘what to do’ morning duty.
Clean your teeth twice a day.
Practise oil pulling in the mouth at least once a day.
Always have a good physical hygiene.
Always remember to maintain an attitude of gratitude in life.
Always do things with great passion.
Always have a specific goal and dream in life.
Observe and experience the beautiful things in life.
Write down a daily journal about your emotions.
Find time for social activities.
Always have a helping hand to others.
Always hope for the better in life.
Enjoy your sex life frequently.
Get away from unwanted relationship.
Learn to forgive yourself and others.
Make meditation a part of your life.
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