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Healthy Habits for the Adolescents

Dr. Purushothaman
August 7, 2018

There are many healthy habits men and women should follow to improve their quality of life and to lead a healthier lifestyle. But as an adult, it can be tough …

Some Interesting Facts About Sexuality

Dr. Purushothaman
August 5, 2018

We all probably know the basics when it comes to sex and sexuality. But basics don’t lead you to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There are many …

Benefits of Living a Sober Life

Dr. Purushothaman
August 4, 2018

The road to sobriety is a tough one. We live in a society that basically glorifies alcohol: we see ads for it in magazines, t.v, even walking down the street. …

The Hidden Dangers of Fast Foods

Dr. Purushothaman
August 2, 2018

Cheesy pizza, loaded scoops of ice-cream, a big box of doughnuts, some pretzels, few sodas - oh! Are you already dreaming about these delicacies? Well, to be …

Sexual Problems of IT Professionals

Dr. Purushothaman
July 29, 2018

Sexual wellbeing is an important part of overall health. Whatever impact our physical and emotional well being, impacts our sexual health as well. The life of …

Facts We Should Know About Sex and Spirituality

Dr. Purushothaman
July 22, 2018

Sex has been time and again portrayed as a medium of ultimate delight and pleasure in the popular culture. Seldom is it understood as a manifestation of …

Better Sex For Better Health And Longevity

Dr. Purushothaman
July 15, 2018

Any discussion on the topic of healthy living focuses on eating well, exercising and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and drinking excessively. Very little …

Importance of Anxiety Counseling in Our Life

Dr. Purushothaman
July 8, 2018

In today's life, anxiety, tension, worry, agitation, confusions and the like, various emotional and psychological problems are part and parcel of everybody’s …

Importance Of Sexual Wellbeing In Family Life

Dr. Purushothaman
July 1, 2018

A healthy living encompasses a whole range of issues which includes sexual wellbeing. The proper functioning of reproductive organs is integral to overall …

Some Unknown Facts About Sexuality

Dr. Purushothaman
June 24, 2018

It is a common phrase that knowledge is power. And it so is, especially in bed. The human body can be extremely strange and yet indisputably fascinating all at …

Tips to Maintain Sexual Well-being in Our Life

Dr. Purushothaman
June 17, 2018

Immunity boost, stress reliever and living in a good mood are all results of a healthy sex life. It proves to be extremely beneficial for you. A stable sexual …

Benefits of Guidance In Counseling

Dr. Purushothaman
June 13, 2018

Counseling is a talking therapy which gives people the opportunity to discuss their problems and any feeling they encounter in their environment. It is a …

How Yoga Is Good For Addiction Recovery?

Dr. Purushothaman
June 6, 2018

I was nearly into the second week of my stay at the drug and alcohol rehab center that undoubtedly saved my life when I first heard the word “yoga” …

How Crisis Helps Us in Our Future Growth

Dr. Purushothaman
June 3, 2018

A crisis situation usually leads to long standing dangerous and unstable problem which affects all of us either personally or in a group or in a society. Let …