Living In Well Being - All General Blogs & Articles

How to be Free from COVID-19 Stress and Strain

Dr. Purushothaman
May 3, 2020

The Covid-19 Pandemic has created a lot of unforgettable and unforeseen physical, mental, and other socioeconomic problems for the whole of humanity for the …

Lessons We Should Learn From the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Purushothaman
April 29, 2020

The present COVID-19 Pandemic should be looked upon from a different perspective- In the Philosophical Metaphysical and Universal approach. The whole miserable …

Why Should We Consult Medical Marijuana Doctor Before Using

Dr. Purushothaman
April 26, 2020

Medicinal pot is a dubious theme. It is very simple to feel overpowered by media drama and exaggeration in the consistent fight between writers, police …

How to Manage Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stress Effectively?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 22, 2020

“Let us Label it as the Pandemic Stress of this Millennium” The Coronavirus/COVID-19 word is at the tip of the tongue of everybody all the time all over …

How To Self-Protect From Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) Pandemic

Dr. Purushothaman
April 19, 2020

Our World is passing through a tough time, when each and everybody is under the threat of the Covid – 19 attack, which is spreading in the community in a big …

Why are some people hated for no reason?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 15, 2020

If we observe our daily life, especially in our family and social circles, it is a very common thing that knowingly or unknowingly for silly or simple matters, …

Why don’t I feel affectionate?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 8, 2020

Expressing gratitude and affection to your dear ones not only enhance their commitment and thankfulness for you, but even enhances your relationship, comfort, …

How to Approach Covid-19 in A Novel Way?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 5, 2020

  In this millennium the entire humanity, irrespective of age, sex, creed, custom, religion, socioeconomic status and country, are experiencing the most …

What's the best way to find peace after multiple Traumatic Experiences?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 1, 2020

I think we all would have faced traumatic events at least once in our life and we have the natural capacity to regain our life and we will soon start our …