Living In Well Being - All General Blogs & Articles

What are Some Good Habits for People with a Troubled Mind to Develop?

Dr. Purushothaman
October 9, 2019

Everyone is trying to get a more beautiful life, beautiful doesn't mean physical beauty or financial circumstances. Beauty means all about our healthy living. …

Why Spirituality is Important in Today’s Life?

Dr. Purushothaman
October 2, 2019

‘Spiritual’, often used synonymously to describe the concepts of religion. However, contemporary it describes the inner life of an individual. To …

What are Some Lesser Known Causes of Social Anxiety?

Dr. Purushothaman
September 29, 2019

Social anxiety is usually experienced when someone feels uncomfortable in social settings. Such settings make the person nervous rendering him inactive for …

Why Science and Spirituality Should Go Hand-In-Hand ?

Dr. Purushothaman
September 22, 2019

At present, everybody is living a fast-paced life. There are huge developments taking place and you need to keep a track with all the recent developments to …

What are some examples of Emotional and Mental Health Problems?

Dr. Purushothaman
September 15, 2019

Human beings are capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions and feelings. This usually creates some imbalance and disrupts the functioning of a healthy …

Why Depression is a Major Problem in America?

Dr. Purushothaman
September 11, 2019

As per the recent reports, depression is one of the biggest challenges that Americans are facing today. In fact, going by the reports, depression affects one …