Living In Well Being - All General Blogs & Articles

11 Interesting Habits of Happy People

Dr. Purushothaman
April 17, 2019

Happiness, for many, is an emotion that is attached to several triggers. You may notice happy people: the kind that just seems to be in a state of smiles, come …

The Differences Between Astrology and Psychic Readings

Dr. Purushothaman
April 14, 2019

Are you trying to decide between having an astrology and a psychic reading? In any case, both will help to give you insight into your current situation. If you …

Natural Spiritual Healing Methods

Dr. Purushothaman
April 10, 2019

The art of spiritual healing is becoming a significant trend in today's society. With a world filled with a materialistic/productive approach, people are …

Importance of Youth Counseling In America

Dr. Purushothaman
April 7, 2019

Adolescence is a stage in life when every person goes through a lot of emotions and changes. The sudden change in mood, the change in physical appearance, …

Do You Know the Power of Your Mind?

Dr. Purushothaman
April 3, 2019

Your mind is the greatest asset ever known to mankind. It is a warehouse in which you house your thoughts. The thoughts that can either shape your life or …