Archive by category Health & Lifestyle Changing

Our health is the Primary concern of everybody.

We can live perfectly & happily only if we have a Healthy Body & Mind.

Our health is really a Choice & we have to look after our body from Illness & to take care of our body in the most effective way.

One has to adopt all the available healthy habits & lifestyles so that, our Physical & Mental Wellbeing is enhanced & we will lead a Healthy & Happy Life.

Importance of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Dr. Purushothaman
October 3, 2018

CBT is a psychosocial intervention to improve mental health. It mainly focuses on the development of personal strategies to solve problems and to change those …

Reasons of Early Morning Sleeplessness

Dr. Purushothaman
September 30, 2018

Many people experience drowsiness and sleepy in the morning. It is due to a specific disease or disorder. People feel sleepy in the morning because of a …

What is Borderline Personality Disorder

Dr. Purushothaman
September 26, 2018

The entity Borderline Personality Disorder (Problem) is a very serious mental health issue which is characterized by various symptoms like pervasive …