Health Benefits of Feijoa Fruit

Dr. Purushothaman
October 14, 2018

Feijoa, which is also known as pineapple guava is one of the delicious fruit of South America. This fruit is unique and definitely grow only in the climatic conditions supported in South America. It is also popular in Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia in South America and New Zealand in Oceania.

However, it is not a fully fledged tree, but a smaller plant belonging to the family of Myrtaceae.

The scientific name for guava is Accasellowiana.

It is an evergreen ranging, up-to a height of 8–15 feet and also spread out in large bushes. It has deep green fleshy leaves which are thick and oval shaped.
So, if you are thinking to eat healthy, then this fruit is all what you need. You can even eat it in a salad. Also the plant has Golden yellow flowers having long maroon color statement with White Petals that looks absolutely beautiful. It takes 5 to 6 months to be at its reproductive stage when the plant bears the fruit.
We all thing to spend a Healthy lifestyle, however it is very difficult to live a Healthy lifestyle without focusing on the food habits. A Healthy lifestyle must be adopted by the healthy eating habit. Talking about fruits and vegetables, Feijoa fruit is actually one of the most delicious fruit that is definitely on the top list of people eating fruit.

About the fruit

  • Feijoa fruit is oval in shape and resembles to the family of guava. If we see the physical parameters and it measures 1/5 to 2.5 inches in length.
  • Once ripen the fruit drop off from the tree and is gathered immediately, it has a sweet, fruity Aroma blended with that of Banana and pineapple sweet essence.
  • It could be preserved for a while to be eaten, however, if kept in open it can perish soon.
  • It also has a jelly texture sheet for that is surrounded by grey white flash soft to touch. The fruit almost tastes somewhat like a tart.

Now you must be looking for health benefits of feijoa fruit

  • As soon as we hear the name fruit we already have assumptions in our mind that it is definitely healthy for our body. Unlike other fruits Feijoa fruit is extremely useful for people being diabetic.
  • It has low calories and the 100 gram of fresh fruit holds calorie of 55.
  • Moreover the fruit has low cholesterol and does not have fat except for which it is loaded with which vitamins and antioxidants that helps to build up the immune system of the body.
  • If the doctor has recommended you to have antioxidants and vitamins than this fruit is all you need.

Buying and storing the fruit

The season for the fruit is different in different places. Usually by the end of March, Feijoa is found in abundant in Brazil. The fruit will be available till the month of July. It is by the between March to July that the fruit is found in New Zealand. While purchasing the Feijoa fruit, always look for the fresh ones. Choose those that are dark in color. They have a fruity aroma. The ripe fruit will respond to a soft press of the thumb. The fruit will stay at room temperature for more than three days if it is ripe. It can be stored in refrigerator for a couple of days. But if you plan to keep it intact for a month or more, it is better to freeze it.

Serving method

Choose a ripe fruit and wipe it till dry. You need to cut the fruit into two parts with the help of a knife. The fruit has juicy pulp that can be scooped with the help of a spoon. You can even juice it up. It can be added to cakes as well as muffins for getting its unique taste and flavor.

It is an excellent source of antioxidant Vitamin C and since it is a water soluble vitamin therefore it boosts up the immune system and helps to recover from the illness very quickly.

Also regular intake of the fruit will help to develop a resistance against infections and scavenge cancer making the body free from harmful radicals. 

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