How do you know if you're having a nervous breakdown?

Dr. Purushothaman
July 10, 2019

Nervous breakdown is also known as mental breakdown. This is usually described as a period of intense mental distress. The person who is experiencing this cannot perform their normal day to day activities. It can be mistaken as a medical term to express different mental illness like depression, anxiety etc. It is normally used to express a stressful situation or a difficult life’s challenge. Symptoms of this can be physical, psychological or it may be behavioral.


  • Loss of hope, suicidal thoughts etc.

  • High blood pressure, dizziness, clammy hands, tense muscles

  • Stomach upset, trembling and shaking

  • Insomnia

  • Hallucination

  • Mood swings

  • If the anxiety mounts up above a particular threshold, it will cause panic attacks. Panic attack, symptoms includes chest pain, detachment from reality, difficult breathing etc.

  • Person may also develop some sort of paranoia.

  • An untreated traumatic event may result in post-traumatic disorder.

  • You may feel the problem with concentration. Your thoughts will be always revolving around the traumatic event.

Other than these types of dysfunctions people may develop social symptoms which means problems in their social life. This may include

  • Avoiding social situations

  • Avoiding friends and other engagements.

  • They will try to avoid food and personal hygiene.

  • Trying to get an isolated feeling in their home.

Now it is very clear that emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual breakdowns and set backs occur in every body’s life at any point of time knowingly or unknowingly. Even though we are very vigilant and aware due to unknown reasons we become anxious, worried, tensed, agitated and we experience various unexpected changes in our life which creates a lot of problems in our personal, family, work and workplace and social life. If we analyze the present statistics the curve is growing up and social implications are alarming resulting in broken families and social life. Now it is high-time that we should be alert and aware about this dangerous situation and should take appropriate measures to get freedom from this.

It is actually a time-limited mental disorder, but due to its acute nature, we may feel it as a severe condition. It can last for hours up to months. Different individual experience this in different levels.

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