Teenager problems – key challenges in teenage parenting
Many people believe that the teenage parenting is most challenging due to various teenager problems faced during this crucial period of your teenager's life. …
Today’s Children & adolescents are Tomorrow’s Nation Builders.
They have got a major role & have to contribute a lot to the Family, Society, Nation & the Whole World.
At the Same time we can find a lot of Problems, Challenges & Issues in relation to the Life of Children & adolescents.
We have to handle all the Behavioral, Educational, Career, Physical, Mental & Financial Problems of our Young Children & adolescents.
Many people believe that the teenage parenting is most challenging due to various teenager problems faced during this crucial period of your teenager's life. …
As a rule, teenagers or adolescents with depression do not respond to parental attempts to motivate them to think positively. Teenagers and adolescents very …
Anxiety disorder is a serious problem which can affect an individual's life to a great extent. It influences a person's way to behave, to think and the way he …
Teen obesity has reached nearly epidemic proportions in recent years. The American Heart Association and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …
Are your children's adolescent behavior problems getting worse and worse? Are you about ready to throw your hands up in the air because you just want to quit …
There are a lot of challenges facing adolescent children or teenagers. During this period of trying to locate their stable identity, their behaviors change and …
Adolescence is the developmental level between childhood and adulthood; it commonly refers to a period arraying from age twelve or thirteen through age 19 or …
Problems with a too-high level anxiety can start in childhood with children and adolescents worrying to a greater extent than their peers about all sorts of …
Being an ADHD adolescent can be difficult both from a social and academic perspective. In this article we will look take a close look at this pivotal time in a …
A general determination that distinguishes adolescent depression challenges from mood disorders in older people is the higher level and more often occurring of …
If you are a parent, there are many things you should know about adolescent substance abuse. Many teens are under enormous strain, between parental …
Dealing with alcoholism and drug abuse is difficult. Imagine how difficult it would be if your teenager has to deal with it on his/her own. If you find any …
You are reading the newspaper and came across the story of a teenage boy becoming the world's youngest father at fourteen and the girl in question is fifteen …
She whispers for hours on the telephone to someone whom she claims is "just a friend". She is absent-minded and you can often see her staring into space with a …
The pressures of modern living are also having a detrimental effect on our adolescent youth. Take a look at the following statistics and be amazed. Figures …
Scoliosis is defined as curvature of the spine in the coronal (front view) plane. Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of spinal deformity confronting …
Parenting adolescents is a huge challenge but with communication, teenage parenting can be made easier for you and your child. One of the hardest things in …
It's hard enough being a teenager without having to deal with an anxiety condition. When adolescent anxiety becomes a problem your teen's life can become a …
Adolescence is a very difficult time in a persons' life; just being that age, going through puberty, and all of the social pressures are enough for any …
Teenage drug and alcohol addiction are the two main woes of parents all over the world. Together with adolescent alcohol treatment centers and drug …
Mother looked up at her teenager. When had she shrunk and her child grown so tall? Did their relationship have to change, too? When had they stopped …
You are probably wondering why I chose such a puzzling title. It's not that I truly believe that adolescents and puppy dogs have a lot in common. However, I …
A growing number of teenagers drink alcohol or consume other toxic substances, although this is illegal and dangerous. Some adolescent try alcohol or toxic …
Adolescent pregnancy in ninety nine percent of the cases is unwanted and is the major consequence of adolescent sexual activity, other than STDs. This issue …
Anyone can have panic disorder even children and adolescents. Panic disorder in adolescence is not a life threatening illness but it can affect their lives in …