Why we quarrel with Children?

Children are a blessing. The joy they can bring to a family has no bounds. They fill our hearts with happiness. But it is not easy to raise a child. This can be a big challenge, especially when they are in their learning stages, because that is when their mind starts to question everything around. […]

Importance of Early Eye Care in Children

Your child's vision keeps changing in the initial years of development. It helps children learn and understand about the world. Eyesight problems in children often hinder their learning ability at school since the first few years at school are vital in shaping their later years. So how early should your children get their eyes checked? […]

Alarming Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

The issue with diabetes in children is that the doctors have a difficult time to detect it, as the symptoms are not clear. So, the diagnosis, detection and treatment can be both a challenge for the doctors. Children are quite young and may fail to understand any symptoms that may occur. It is the parents’ […]

Health Benefits of Hula Hooping for Men, Women and Children

Hula Hooping is an activity loved by kids as well as adults. But this needs a lot of practice to master the skill. Using a Hula Hoop can give you a lot of health benefits. Burning belly fat is quicker when you do this exercise. This is actually a toy meant for kids. But it […]

5 Ways to Protect Your Child from Nicotine Addiction

We often come across sign boards, notices, posters indicating “No Smoking”, “Smoking Kills”, “Smoking is injurious to health” and so on. These boards are warnings for life. The Indian population which constitutes majorly of young generation is regarded as the foundation of a promising future, is being carried away by tobacco, nicotine and narcotic addiction. […]

Praying For Your Children

As a new school year starts I am reminded of the importance of praying for our children and every area of their lives. Sometimes you may wonder what different things I should be praying for in my children's lives. Stormie Omartian has written a book entitled the Power of a Praying Parent. In her book, […]

Letting our Children see us Pray

I try to get up early on school days to say my morning prayers and read my Bible before the kids get up. There is a practical reason for that - there simply isn't time to fit in my prayers in the 45 minutes between the time I get the kids up and the time […]

Teaching Children How to Pray

Is it that our prayer gets successful only when we sit in front of god's idol? This is one of the habits of human beings which they never forget ever in their lives, whatever religion they belong to. Prayer is not just simply saying some words but to thank the creator of this universe for […]

Inner child

Dr Hew Len is famous for using the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono, the Hawaiian system that heals oneself and the world around you, to heal a group of mentally ill patients who had committed serious crimes like rape and murder. Dr Hew Len had not spent hours counselling his patients, far from it, he had read their […]

Dealing with emotional children

  Parenting and coaching emotional children, Raise a brilliant child Children are all emotions. The children do not think, they feel. It takes a long time before children learn the art of thinking. Their experiences with the world begin with feeling the world starting with their mothers and the family members. How a child feels […]

Giving Our Children a Better Emotional Example than We Had

  No matter how old or young someone is, where they have come from on this planet or Sometimes life makes me feel crazy, and at those times I have to remind myself that everyone feels this way. It is too easy to get sucked into the emotion of that one moment, forgetting that it […]

How to Help Children get Rid of Bad Habits

  There is a saying that “signature and character never change”. But this sometime proves to be wrong if we work hard to rectify ourselves. The purpose of education is not only to teach us how to read and write, but to mold our characters and make us potent enough so that we can fight […]

4 Tips for Spending Time With Your Children When You Have No Time

  When one of my newest coaching clients came to me a month ago, she was nearing her whit's end. Cody, her 7-year-old son, was talking back to the teacher at school and getting into arguments with friends. "It's been getting worse over the last year or so since my daughter, Kayla, was born. I […]

Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Children

  All children need good nutrition to grow healthy and strong. Fruits and vegetables are most important and needed by all children to develop into healthy bodies. Experts recommend that kids need at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Reduce high sugar foods, junk and fast food in your child diet. Adopting these […]

Child-Led Education

Child-led Education There are many different forms of home education. One of the forms that is gaining some popularity is child-led education. Child-led education is a method by which the children are allowed to study and learn what interests them. Some people also call this type of education unschooling. Part of the reason that this […]

Education Begins At Home With Books On Childhood Development

Parenting a young child is challenging but ultimately rewarding, especially when stepping outside of the traditional role as a caretaker, and into one as an educator. Encouraging the developmental process of a child's educational potential is an exciting opportunity for parents to bond and get to know their children. Parents are beginning to see the […]

Conceptual Foundations of Education of Exceptional Children

Exceptional Children Defined Education of exceptional children is a challenging field. The term "Exceptional Children" refers to children whose needs are very different from those of the majority of children in society. These children deviate from average children to the extent they cannot receive classroom instruction in regular schools. This was the belief prevalent for […]

Educate and Entertain Your Children

Educate and Entertain Your Children There are many times that parents may find themselves in need of help for ideas as to how to entertain their child at home. These are perfect opportunities for parents to participate in the education of their child and can build on their relationships as a family. Dr. Truddie Darden […]

Help Your Child Play And Grow With The Educational Toys And Games

As a strong tool for education and learning process, the educational toys and games prove to be very effective. If you give your child the proper educational games and toys, you are bringing in better intelligence and emotional stability for your child. There can be basically two types of education, one is formal, the other […]

Early Children Education

Education for children is composed of the first eight years of life. Education is very important at this stage and help to correct the development. It is usually based on learning through play method. The study shows that the first eight living children are crucial, and this time, their brains are developing a lot. Education […]

Having A Degree and Educating Children

Education holds an important position in human society. Education is a mean of awareness however it has now been commercialized to a new extent altogether. Nowadays a lot of emphasis is given to the early education. Proper early education courses are now chalked out for the teachers and instructors so that these important and tricky […]

Combating Child labour through education

The complicated issue of child labour is a developmental issue that needs to be thoroughly researched. World Vision India believes that children are being exploited and forced into labour, if they are not attending any school regularly and there is a need to develop a strong strategy to address this issue. India continues to host […]

5 Good Reasons to Get a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education

It is no secret that the further you take your education, the better you will fare in your career. There are a multitude of reasons that someone would want to get a masters degree in early childhood education. Preschool children learn in a much different way than other age groups, so this is one area […]

An Integration of Theories of Child and Adolescent Counseling

An integration of learned material in theories of child and adolescent counseling discusses counselor accountability in treating children and adolescents, roles of counselors in including parents, siblings and school personnel in the child's or adolescents treatment, balancing ethical and legal issues such as confidentiality and specific treatment approaches. Today the issue of accountability is in […]