Education Begins At Home With Books On Childhood Development

Dr. Purushothaman
November 30, 2013

Parenting a young child is challenging but ultimately rewarding, especially when stepping outside of the traditional role as a caretaker, and into one as an educator. Encouraging the developmental process of a child's educational potential is an exciting opportunity for parents to bond and get to know their children. Parents are beginning to see the benefits in studying books on childhood development to assist their children's teachers and childcare providers, toward nurturing their child's abilities and watching them grow first-hand, into well rounded and independent young adult.

There are many books on childhood development to choose from, and parents can start reading about the stages of learning, even before their child is born. Books on childhood development range in topics from a general 0-12 months guide, to specific issues relevant to any parenting challenge including: temper tantrums, manners and sharing. Books on childhood development offer tips and information, so a parent can be better equipped to be prepared for common parenting issues, as they arise.

Tips to Encourage Learning at Home

Books on childhood development will recommend spending time with your child for a portion of their evening homework assignments. The benefits of this approach include:

1. Discussing assignments openly and with genuine interest encourages children to generate enthusiasm over the topics they are learning in school. By speaking about their assignment, they begin to brainstorm, and gain the ability to allow ideas to flow through conversation.

2. When a child does not like the work assigned, or has trouble figuring out a problem, discussing their obstacles improves problem solving abilities.

3. If a child knows that he or she can approach their parents with problems in school, an honest line of communication is established. Many books on childhood development will encourage creating an honest and open relationship from an early age.

Parents can set a positive example for their children by offering their attention and participation with their child's homework for half of the study time, then by pursuing their own academic interest at the same table, for the second half of the time. If a child regularly sees his or her parents reading books, writing in a journal or learning a new language, the concept of life-long learning is shown by example.

Books on childhood development offer innovative solutions to learning more about your child's education, and having them open up to discussion. An example of this technique would be to ask, "What did you do in math class today," instead of simply asking, "What did you learn today?" The latter will likely result in the common childhood answer of, "nothing," while the first, less vague question, forces the child to think back to the day at school. This re-establishes their lesson plan by relating the information back at the parent.

Owning books on childhood development act as a quick and valuable resource for parents with children at any age, or stage of development. They offer a variety of information from homework tips, to the latest science behind the psychology of a children's developmental learning process. For books on childhood development, and educational resources visit, lifelonglearn.

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