Stress Headaches

Dr. Purushothaman
January 17, 2014


Have you had recurring migraines and headaches for a series number of days? And you just don't understand what's causing these?
Have you ever had days when a sharp pain and heavy pressure can be felt from your upper back and lower neck, part then continually spreads to frontal head area? Do you find yourself taking pain killer after pain killer only to provide temporary relief?
Some days when the weather is just unbearable and you've had a long day's work, coupled with some financial snitches, you find yourself sleeping restlessly and then waking up with a throbbing head. This kind of suffering and physical torment is due from stressors that occupy our thoughts.
Constant stress equals to stress headaches.
Stress is the foremost instigating factor for these recurring pains. A condition that is manifested and affects both physical and mental faculties of a person, stress is not something that can be shrugged off and taken lightly. Categorized into three types: Eustress, Chronic Stress and Workplace Stress, Stress is often understood as something negative.
Recent studies show that man performs at his best and at his fastest when under tension and pressure. With the right amount of stress, man could maintain focus and visualize end-goals more clearly than average and relaxed individuals.
Eustress or popularly known as positive stress, pushes man to his limits and keeps him on his toes, driving him to excellence.
Chronic stress is the person's response or reaction to constant and recurring unpleasant stressors and events in his environment. Continued pressure and incessant stress can cause long-term negative effect on man's physical and mental health.
Additionally, Work Stress or issues and conflicts in the work area, concerning employment and financial security also add on to these chronic stressors. Oftentimes, man does not feel the effect of this until recurring headaches are felt.
Tension headaches or stress headaches are usually caused by stress and are aggravated by several factors including, but not limited to, lack of sleep, over fatigue, excessive consumption of monosodium glutamate (MSG), continuous exposure to smoke and other pollutants, hunger, and hormonal changes.
Abrupt changes in the weather, coupled with everyday stressors in the workplace and at home, can cause stress headaches in an instant. Thus, to wean oneself from these episodes, it is also important to take into consideration the environmental factors.
These types of headaches can happen at any given time, without prior warning. Instigated by the body's physical response to pressure and undue stress, tension headaches can be felt as a constant pressure, with the feeling like our heads are being pressed on both sides by an external force. The pain radiates from the upper back towards the lower neck and is often accompanied by temporal muscle pain.
Stress headaches may be mild to excruciating, depending on several factors and may persist for a couple of hours to a number of days. And as undue stress is being experienced, the tendency is for us to have recurring headaches.
These headaches respond to over-the-counter analgesics and sedatives like Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. A shift of environment would also do well for those who suffer from frequent bouts of headaches and episodes of migraines. Thus, a gradual change in altitude, environment, and climate is advised for those who constantly suffer stress headaches and/or migraines.
To improve one's state of health, overcoming stress is the best game plan. Identifying these stressors, and assessing each one according to gravity and relevance, allows us to create concrete action plans in de-stressing our lives. Furthermore, the practice of meditation and relaxation is encouraged, as this promotes a calm disposition.
Stress headaches may be a recurring problem, but it does not entail impossibility of treatment. These tension headaches may respond to medicines and therapy, but a long-term approach in providing a solution to this ailment is strongly suggested by experts.
Eliminating stress is possible once we take a concrete plan of de-stressing and taking the first step towards recovery. Speak with a stress counsellor now to know your options and start living a stress free, and headache-free life!

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