Stress is part and parcel of our day to day life. Every day from morning till we are asleep and also from birth to death each and everybody has to face one or other problem in life, which will create a lot of stress and strain. In fact, at one end we are trying to avoid stressful situations, but at the other end it is coming in a big way. It is a fact that, to live a life some stress is really needed. But when it exceeds the limits we cannot cop with it. And it will lead to a series of problems, both physical and mental. Each and everybody is a victim of stress.
Then, what we will do? We have to live in this world ! So, it is hightime that we should change our attitude & approach, always enabling us to face and solve the so-called stressful situations in the most effective way. Here we are providing some simple tips and tools that we can utilize wisely, to lead a stressfree life.
1) Always forgive ourselves for our own mistakes
2) Always make it a point to forgive others for their mistakes.
3) Always do one thing at a time
4) Take breaks in between your work
5) Don’t worry about the things that are beyond your control
6) Don’t analyze very deeply, simply start always
7) Better don’t get others
8) Always say No, when you are unable to help
9) Always keep a daily “TO DO” list
10) Don’t bother about old things and memories
11) Always have a sense of self approval
12) Don’t try to be a perfectionist
13) Always have a let go attitude
14) Don’t get involved in little things
15) Don’t worry about your previous decisions
16) Understand that everything in our life is temporary
17) Always ask ourselves whether I am right or wrong
18) Always laugh out and in
19) Don’t take all responsibilities
20) Always take be positive
21) Don’t compare with others
22) Have a smile at everybody you see
23) Start everything with a positive attitude
24) Don’t think about things that are never happened
25) Don’t react aggressively
26) Always have regular exercise
27) Don’t over work
28) Don’t eat for taste, but eat for nourishment
29) Express always be grateful to your supporters
30) Instead of driving go by walk for small distances
31) Do things which make you happy
32) Always observe and enjoy the nature
33) Don’t watch the TV when eating
34) Reduce the time in front of TV –
35) Always listen to relaxing music
36) Use modern gadgets to reduce physical and mental effort
37) Go to bed early and wake up early
38) Always have a relaxing time in beach, riverside and gardens.
39) Do a new thing every day
40) Do some help to someone everyday
41) Tell your best friend how you feel daily
42) Always pray in the morning and night
43) Reduce your unnecessary commitments
44) Don’t involve in others unnecessary issues
45) Don’t have unnecessary dreams in life
46) Always be aware of your breathing
47) Practice deep breathing at least ten minutes a day
48) As far as possible help others
49) Regularly practice total body relaxations
50) Don’t be worried about the problems in life
51) When you wake up have a gratitude prayer
52) Find time to spend your time with the children or pets
53) Try to laugh at yourself in front of a mirror
54) Always be earlier for any function
55) Your peace of mind is your first priority
56) Find ways and means to reveal your creativity
57) Regularly do brain puzzles
58) Always be light hearted and be happy
59) Don’t be a complaint box
60) Don’t use unnecessary words
61) Eat your meals slowly and enjoying it
62) Boost your energy levels in the natural way
63) Spend money very carefully
64) Reduce your unnecessary luxuries
65) Use less electronics equipments
66) Always read useful books
67) Try to communicate with light minded persons
68) Reduce the intake of coffee and tea
69) Always take natural foods and vegetables
70) Always connect with positive people
71) Don’t try to solve unnecessary problems in life
72) Do a hobby that you like with full attention
73) Never bother about gossip
74) Always nurture positive thoughts in life
75) Always set realistic goals in life
76) Always take care of your health
77) Don’t be worried imaginary problems
78) Maintain an optimistic attitude on life
79) Manage our time very effectively
80) Don’t bother about very silly things in life
81) It is wise to understand that everything gets executed after taking a long time than you think
82) It is a good practice to keep a daily diary to monitor & check your daily activities
83) Delegates things to others
84) Never argue with ignorant people
85) Adopt a stress free attitude
86) Change negative situations into positive outcomes
87) Adapt antistress activities
88) Went tired take some rest
89) Avoid unnecessary friendship
90) Don’t have more expectation in life
91) Understand that fear is only a temporary thing
92) Better don’t try to make others agree with you
93) Try to avoid negative situations
94) Take every setback as a new success
95) Instead of thinking & worrying about the past events, better to live in the present time.
96) Consider challenges in life as golden opportunities
97) Try to break your belief systems
98) Always try to have emotional freedom
99) Understand that life is not as you think
100) Understand that the future is the unknown