Why are we unhappy in our whole life

Dr. Purushothaman
March 6, 2022

What is happiness? Where does a person get happiness from? Does happiness lie in the people or material things around us? People going through a rough emotional state often have such questions in mind and fail to catch the correct answers.

If you are going through troubles in personal life, there would still be things that you should be grateful for. One does not always get what he wants in life. Accept the changes in life and acknowledge the things you have in hand. Count your blessings and find happiness within you. Be grateful for your healthy body, sound mind, your family, friends or loved ones or maybe your pets. If we really observe our life we can find that happiness is not what we usually understand, but it is a state of the mind. Only in that state we can differentiate between happiness and unhappiness.

Happiness is a choice, an attitude!

Happiness is not a phase but a state of mind. Every time you feel unhappy, close your eyes and tell yourself the good things you have! Choose to have a happy and positive mind! Don’t push your mind towards the grief, push your soul towards the beautiful things around you. Stay determined to find your happiness in whatever life gives you.
Your happiness lies within. It is your mind playing tricks on you and diverting your attention to the things that do not go as per your will. No person can attain happiness by only looking at the rough patches.

Why are we unhappy?

The situation may be different in every person’s life, but the reasons are mostly alike. Your state of mind plays a very essential role in finding happiness, satisfaction and salvation. There is no one who has a perfect life. Feel good about yourself and look at your life with a positive eye! Once you start appreciating and loving yourself, you will no longer be dependent on other things or people for happiness in life. The inner peace and happiness you will get after that, would make your soul cherish!

The doors to “Living in Well Being” are always open to help you live a happy and cherished life! We assure you that all the details of the individual would remain confidential. Our only aim is to make the world a happy place. And for that, we have to be happy!

Article Source : https://www.quora.com/Why-are-we-unhappy-in-our-whole-life/answer/Dr-Purushothaman-Kollam-2

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