Managing Stress Effectively
1. Manage Time & Resources effectively
2. Accept Success & Failures equally
3. Nurture effective Academic & Career Options
4. Avoid Negative & Distressing Situations
5. Gain Insight into our Vision & Wisdom
6. Involve in result oriented Actions & be flexible
7. Never give unnecessary promises to any body
8. Give-up the attraction for illusory Comforts
9. Start improving Self respect & Self esteem
10. Think in the Right, Straight & Positive way
11. Read good, Motivating & Inspiring books
12. Experience & Enjoy a healthy Love life
13. Seek advice & guidance whenever necessary
14. Say “Sorry”, accepting your Defects & Defaults
15. Exercise & engage in Health-promoting actions
16. Forgive yourself & others & respect their feelings
17. Foster to develop Personal & Motivating Skills
18. Enjoy the Nature & the beauty of the World
19. Communicate Efficiently & Effectively
20. Take responsibilities for your Words & Actions
21. In times of need get Help from any source
22. Value the value of Family, Friends & Society
23. Experience the Enjoyment of being alone
24. Learn to develop a “Let go” attitude in Life
25. Now Let us manage our Stress effectively by Practising the Relaxation Response Regularly