Wedding Planning Stress and the problems brides need to be aware of.
There are 3 key areas Brides need to be concerned about, when it comes to wedding planning stress.
There's enormous pressure on brides these days in getting organized for their special day. Sadly many brides find themselves in an extremely high state of anxiety and stress. A totally undesirable experience, for what is meant to be a joyous event.
There is so much that can be going above and beyond the actual wedding planning, such as work commitments and dealing with conflicting opinions from family and friends.
If all that stress shows up on your face on your wedding day, it would be completely undesirable. Relieving your wedding stress quickly and easily, becomes key, to reclaiming the joy of planning your wedding.
There are 3 key areas of concern, a bride needs to be aware of, relating to stressful wedding planning.
1. Lack of sleep.
With marriage listed as the No.7 most stressful events in life, by Holmes and Rahe, Brides are often unaware of the extent of stress created when they are involved in a major change in their life.
At a most basic level, wedding planning stress can totally spoil the excitement and fun of planning your wedding.
Because stress often causes lack of sleep, this is an added cause of concern, as reduced sleep may lead to moodiness and even depression.
2. Facial Stress lines.
Facial stress lines can result from a combination of poor sleep and stress, spoiling the appearance of your face as dark circles under the eyes.
Not the way you want to be looking on your wedding day. It would be much more desirable to let your radiant natural beauty shine through from joy.
3. Gaining weight.
Two possible ways to gain unwanted weight before your wedding, may come from comfort eating, to combat stress.
Or it can come from extra eating to provide extra fuel and energy, when you have slept poorly and your body is trying to compensate for lack of energy. The bad thing about gaining weight before your wedding, is keeping up with your dress fittings, as there will come a point when you can no longer make alterations before the wedding date.
Stress management involves these steps. Understand and recognise the signs of stress, identify sources of stress in your life, manage these sources that you have control over and find ways to deal with the stress that is unavoidable.
Getting adequate sleep will assist in managing stress, as will eating healthy and nutritional foods and using specific stress relief relaxation audios, yoga or meditation. Even daily exercise, such as a simple 15 minute walk, helps improve blood circulation, clarity of thought, and mood.
Useful stress relief tools, such as the Pre Wedding Stress Relief audio and herbal teas help relieve wedding stress, restore calm, and help you focus on getting your tasks done easily and create the most enjoyable, wedding planning experience possible.