Ways To Resolve Behavior Problems In Children

Dr. Purushothaman
October 7, 2013

The first step in assessing behavior problems in children is to define the problem. To illustrate, bed wetting in a six-month old is not a problem-- it's just the real truth of his/her natural improvement process. What sort of behavior constitutes a problem? In order to arrive at a reasonable answer, you should ask-- "What constitutes normal behavior for a child of this age, character, physical and emotional level?"

In general, a child's behavior is typically considered to be a problem when it is considerably outside the norms established by social and cultural expectations for a child of a given age and developmental level. Physical improvement is undeniably an appropriate variable. When a child is teething, you should expect a substantial amount of crying, even screaming-- but if a 5 year old still screams and cries uncontrollably-- or deliberately?-- such behavior may be a manifestation of behavior problems in children.

Behavior Problems In Children: Begin Shaping Behavior early!

From early infancy, children are learning tendencieses which will shape them for life. Don't wait until they manifest unacceptable behavior, and then try to "break them of it". Rather, begin at birth to reinforce the positive. Children naturally crave approval. Use positive reinforcement from day one. By this method, you will have a lot fewer behavior problems in children.

Be careful that you do not strengthen the negative, even unintentionally. Children notice when you look or laugh at their behavior. In many cases, they will deliberately repeat actions which prompted such a response. Do not let them see you snicker or laugh at negative behavior-- even at a very early age-- because in doing so, you may actually reinforce behavior problems in children!

Be careful how you do this. Your goal is not be become your kid's best pal-- it's important that you be seen as the authority figure-- but avoid antagonism, develop a positive, encouraging union. The resulting self respect and respect for authority will be properties to him/her for life. If you develop a positive parent/kid relationship, you substantially reduce behavior problems in children.

Reward good behavior with appropriate reinforcement. Rewards can be as simple as a smile, a wink, or an encouraging word. Later and more positive stimuluses may suitably comprise delicious treats, small economic rewards, and outings to favorite places. Fit the rewards to the child and the situation. Avoid luxury, but never neglect positive reinforcement. With positive reinforcement and rewards, you will lessen the likelihood of behavior problems in children.

Behavior Problems In Children: What behavior is age appropriate?

You expect a four month old baby to think primarily of its own needs/wants. This means that he/she will tend to be disruptive and self centered. In a four month old, this is normal behavior. By the time that kid is four years old, though, he/she should be conscious of the needs and desires of others. A four year old should be less demanding, more considerate. In order for this changeover to occur, the adults in his/her life should do their part. The truth is that some apparent behavior problems in children are actually behavior problems in adults!

Behavior Problems In Children-- or behavior problems in adults?

That's right! Many behavior problems in children are the direct result of inadvertent or deliberate misbehavior by adults (and/or old children). If your kid is beginning to manifest behavior problems, look closely at his/her marriages-- with peers, with older children and with adults. There's a strong chance that you will find one or more of them which promote and encourage misbehavior. In such a case, you must definitely take decisive action. Safeguard your kid from detrimental marriages. In so doing, you will greatly cut down behavior problems in children.

As much as possible, prevent adversarial associations with your kid. Anger and conflict may increase behavior problems in children. At the same time, though, there is a time for firmness. If your kid should, for example, show an unexpected penchant to chew on file format wires, or to dash into traffic-- it is imperative that you immediately bring that behavior to a complete halt.

Do what it takes to keep him/her safe, even if it means inflicting pain. In such cases, minimize the frequency and time frame of conflicts, and be very sure to do no harm. Above all, do not allow yourself to become upset. Anger impairs judgment, and promotes an adversarial partnership. It may even promote behavior problems in children.

Don't wait until outbursts or other remarkable misbehavior force your hand. Begin at the beginning, strengthening the positive from the first day of each kid's life. In doing so, you will considerably decrease behavior problems in children.

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