Ways to Reduce Stress and Live Happy Life

Dr. Purushothaman
October 4, 2013

Stress is difficult for scientists to define because it is a subjective sensation associated with varied symptoms that differ for each of us. Hans Selye set out the first definition. Many scientists see stress as a reaction to events in our life which cause a reaction in our body. Stress is an emotional physiological reaction which everyone experiences as he or she encounters changes in life.

People look for ways to manage stress when they are totally at their wits' end for managing stress. In this fast pace and highly competitive world, dealing with daily stress like job stress, relationship stress and study stress is very difficult. We need to really sit down and find time for ourselves to relax and de-stress. If we could not even make time and space for ourselves for stress relief and relaxation, it would be a chore living in this world.

The effects of stress on the body is a very powerful and impactful enemy. We must try our best to enforce stress reduction techniques, stress management techniques and do some stress relief exercise to manage stress effectively. Personally speaking, stress cannot be cured or totally eliminated. Stress is a part and parcel of life and we must learn to deal with stress properly.

Meditation is used as a relaxation and stress-reduction technique. Anyone can learn. It's easy, inexpensive and doesn't require the purchase of any fancy gym equipment. You can meditate anywhere, even if you are out walking, taking the bus to work, waiting in the dentist's office: anywhere you need to relax.

Some people swear so much by yoga that it becomes a way of life for them. These people feel that yoga also brings many emotional benefits. People start yoga for several reasons. Some because they want the exercise, but many start as a way of relieving stress, and promoting their emotional well being. Because yoga involves body toning exercise, but at the same time special yoga breathing and meditation, this causes a calming effect and brings better mental awareness to people who practice it.

Give yourself some alone time. This is probably the most important. Everyone needs a little time alone to just relax. We live in a world that is go, go, go, all the time, and no one takes the time to just, stop, and take a moment to just relax. People should give themselves at least a half hour, or even an hour a day, to just relax and do what ever makes you happy, like read a book, or go for a walk, or my favorite listen to music, music is very relaxing.

Exercise is one great way that games can be applied to relief stress. Exercising means that you engage in a particular kind of sport as you use your muscles to propel the body and give it the movements required. Swimming for instance is a great exercise that winds away stress. As you take the laps and enjoy with the rest, for once the mind is drawn away from the stressful issues and it gives you the psyche s you enjoy.


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