You Can Change Your Mind And Access Powers You Never Dreamed Possible!Oh Wow! Life just gets better and better! If only I had this years ago, when I was going through all those years of pain and suffering! BUT.....I'M USING IT NOW AND YOU, CAN FIX THINGS RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE!
I have found the most incredible and it's known as the most powerful personal development program in the world! It is New Subliminal Message and Image software that empowers you to:* Boost Concentration & Memory* Increase Self Esteem* Improve Parenting Skills* Enhance Business Acumen* Master Emotions* Amplify Your Creativity* Even Lose WeightWHILE YOU WORK OR PLAY AT YOUR COMPUTER!Introducing......MIND MASTERThe world's first words-and-images tool created to help you change your mind about yourself!Imagine what you could accomplish with a powerful subconscious mind belief in yourself! A belief that grows with every minute you spend at your computer! You could.....* Enhance your creativity while surfing the web!* Improve your parenting skills while paying your bills!* Increase your business strengths while playing video games!* Augment your powers of concentration and memory while writing areport!* Overcome pain while you build a PowerPoint presentation!* Lose weight while you download recipes!* How do you retool your subconscious? It starts with a consciousdecision: The decision to purchase Mind Master Advanced Affirmation Software.Then all you have to do is decide who you want to be.* You choose the skills you want to enhance.* You choose the powers you want to expand.* You choose the baggage you want to lose.* You choose the bad habits you want to shed.* You choose the goals you want to achieve.And then.....Start achieving them!
90% OF YOUR BRAIN'S POWER IS LOCKED AWAY IN YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. MIND MASTER HOLDS THE KEY!Easier Than Hypnosis and Better Than Affirmations.Personalize Your Software Within Seconds...How does an athlete overcome a deadly disease to become a record 7-time winner of the tour-de-France?How does a skinny kid become football's top quarterback and win four Super Bowls?How does a young man crippled by disease ascend to the highest reaches of genius?How does a welfare mom create Harry Potter and become a billionaire publishing phenomenon?What made these astounding success stories possible?A Subconscious Mind Believe in Themselves.Can Subliminal Messages Really Change My Life? YES!A Brief History of Subliminal Messaging:Over the years, our conscious mind has developed excellent sales resistance. But decades ago, the CIA discovered that the subconscious mind was very suggestible, via subliminal messaging.Soon, advertisers tried to capitalize on this technique by sneaking sales messages in "below the radar." Subliminal advertising was quickly banned in the US and around the world. But this powerful tool, now enhanced by the unique combination of words and images, is legal and safe for individuals to use to tap into the hidden talents and creativity harbored in the subconscious mind.
Simply by selecting the categories of messages and images, you can start to improve your mind and your ability to concentrate, enhance your memory, overcome bad habits like smoking, nail-biting or between-meal snacking, change your attitude towards exercise, towards your boss, your spouse, your kids.In fact, the kinds of changes you can create in yourself are literally without limit! If you don't find your desired category of messages and images, we'll create it for you at no extra charge!Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to Improve Your Life!Over 90% Customer Satisfaction Rate! Now you can help yourself accomplish the following goals and more!* Stop Smoking* Lose Weight* Overcome Shyness Easily* Develop a Multi Millionaire Mindset* Develop Self Confidence effortlessly* Eliminate Fears and Phobias* Gain Confidence With The Opposite Sex* Learn New Skills* Develop Intuition* Improve Memory* Increase IQ* Relieve Stress Easily* Release Baggage & Issues* Reduce Pain* Improve Health* Improve Self Image* Eliminate Negative Beliefs and BehaviorYOU CAN NOW TRY MIND MASTER FOR FREE!
UNIVERSAL STUDIESThe Scientific Evidence Behind Subliminal Messaging.ACCESS THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MINDHow Suggestible is the Human Brain? Scientists have known for decades that the conscious brain is highly "sales-resistant." But when subliminal messages are flashed quickly enough to avoid conscious recognition, they go directly to the subconscious mind which has no inherent sales resistance. This is what gives subliminal affirmation messages their amazing power to retool the brain. And remember: the subconscious mind is the real driver behind our personality, our desires, our fears, our self-image, and everything we dream about. To learn more, click the links below to scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of subliminal messages.Scientists Concluded That Subliminal Messages Can Definitely Influence Behavior. A study at Cornell University indicates "Subliminal presentations seem capable of influencing behavior" A study from University College, London, indicates "the brain does register subliminal images even if a person is unaware they have seen them." In 1974 the US government banned subliminal advertising in commercials because it was determined that influencing people without their knowledge was contrary to the public interest. The British, Australian, and Canadian Government have since followed suit. However, when used for personal development, this Software is completely safe and legal. YOU choose the messages you want to receive. YOU are in charge of the results. YOU control the process with the click of a button.People From All Over the World Are Realizing How Powerful This Software Is! Today subliminal technology is being used for personal development purposes by millions of people worldwide! Including Fortune 500 companies, motivational coaches, athletes, CEOs, celebrities, students, housewives, computer programmers, and even the US Government.....HOW IT WORKSWhat Makes Subliminal Messaging Such A Powerful Tool?Subliminal messages are affirmations that bypass your skeptical awareness and go straight to your more receptive subconscious mind which produces thrilling improvements to your mind, your attitude, your self-image, your habits, whatever you've chosen to heal or help.Mind Master flashes your chosen affirmations, both words and images, on your computer screen while you work or playThese Messages Are Virtually Invisible!
You Won't Even Be Aware They're Working! But your subconscious mind acts like a powerful receiver, taking them all in and acting on them to make thrilling changes in your life. Change so profound you'll be astonished! Change that comes from inside you! You're still you, but it's as if all the layers that held you back have been stripped away. You'll feel a greater sense of joy in life, in personal freedom, and you will bless the day that the transformational power of Mind Master started making such a difference.Have you watched the movie The Secret? Mind Master software is The Secret in ACTION! The Mind Master Software combines affirmative subliminal messages plus subliminal images, using state of the art technology. You choose the results you want, And you get those results at lightning fast speeds!It may be hard to believe, but it's absolutely true: Today, you can begin to download a superior brain with a FREE TRIAL!
USING MIND MASTERThree Easy StepsStep 1:CHOOSE A PROGRAM.Mind Master has an easy to use control panel. In less than 30 seconds you can easily customize the features of the program to fit your personal needs.Step 2:ADD AN IMAGE.A picture is worth a thousand words! Words augmented by images convey messages more quickly and powerfully! Our exclusive image feature greatly increases the mind's acceptance of the affirmations!Step 3:HIT THE START BUTTON!That's it! It's that easy!Free Gifts with Purchase and a Money-Back Guarantee!* 30 SUBLIMINAL PROGRAMS & 400+ AFFIRMATIONS INCLUDED WITH THE SOFTWAREConfidence, weight loss, release pain, multi millionaire mindset, mind booster exam skills, and many, many more!(VALUE $49)* 24/7 LIFETIME SUPPORTThe Software is extremely easy to use. However if you still need help simply email customer service and they will respond within 24hrs. (VALUE $40)* FREE UPGRADESYou'll also be provided with the latest upgrades to software FREE. (VALUE $30)* ACCESS TO AFFIRMATION DREAM VAULTGet Instant Access to a continuously updated Affirmation Vault with THOUSANDS OF AFFIRMATIONS in every imaginable category from overcoming shyness, eliminating procrastination, healthy back, and more.(VALUE $60)* AFFIRMATION CREATIONThe Affirmation Vault is Updated Weekly. Still can't find a category you want? Easily create your own, or email customer service and if it is a reasonable request they'll create the category and add it to the Affirmation Vault for you for FREE! (VALUE $30)* MOTIVATIONAL SCREENSAVERWhen you are not actively using your computer we recommend you use a built-in screensaver which beautifully displays the affirmations and images you have selected. You can also select a complete set of different affirmations and images for the screensaver! This way both your Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind work together to quickly achieve your dreams.(VALUE $49)* ACCESS TO IMAGE VAULTNeed help finding images? Check out the IMAGE VAULT. They have alphabetized the affirmation categories for you, and link you to literally MILLIONS OF IMAGES!!! (VALUE $ PRICELESS)THE TOTAL VALUE IS WORTH OVER $260.00!60 Day 110% Money Back Guarantee!
Thousands of extremely satisfied users of Mind Master gives them the confidence that you will be just as thrilled with the positive changes you'll achieve in your life.No matter whether you want to turn on your inner creativity, enhance your powers of concentration and memory, turn yourself into a business guru, lose bad habits, lose or gain weight, or simply beat the pants off your opponents on the basketball court, you'll MAKE IT HAPPEN with Mind Master Advanced Affirmation Software.They're so confident, here's your chance to test drive Mind Master Advanced Affirmation Software risk-free for 60 days.If you're not blown away by the powers you unleash in yourself, if you haven't bragged about it to friends and family, if you haven't urged those you care about to give it a try for themselves, just write them a note and they'll refund every dime, plus give you an additional 10% gift. No ifs, ands, buts or maybes....no questions asked.
About the Author
I believe true Health and Beauty comes from within. From loving yourself and changing the way you think!
Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Unleash-The-Power-Of-Your-Subconcious-Mind/5966254/