Tips for Being Assertive and Importance of Confidence

Dr. Purushothaman
October 1, 2013

Use assertive statements to state yourself in various role plays. Trainers want to do some instruction prior to modeling the assertive behaviors. Trainers want to take into account the students' verbal abilities when instructing them on assertive messages. It is significant that the students become relaxed and comfortable in using different types of assertive abilities. This unit may need to be broken up into many sessions in order to practice the abilities thoroughly. Instruct on the tips for being assertive. Depending on the listeners, a trainer may need to bind the information provided in this handout. The role modeling should then focus on these areas. Instruct on the three different categories of self-confident behavior. Again, depending on the student's understanding abilities, this information should be modified as required.

Use the following categories as guides for the content of the different assertive communication. Refusal Assertiveness, states your position, explain your reason, and express understanding. These abilities should be practiced in the context of a person trying to get the students to do something that is harmful or a person trying to get the students to do something when he/she has another promise. Remind students that they have a right to say no whenever they desire, but there may be serious results.

The point of saying no is to stay from being taken benefit of or doing something damaging, not to keep from attracting in daily responsibilities. When practicing refusals of damaging behavior, it is not suitable to make sympathetic statements. It is most significant to focus on the negative response and the root cause. Express positive and negative feelings viz. "You did a good job." "I am disturbed by what you did."

Expressing positive feelings, confidence, and giving respect are vital skills in building strong relationships. Complimenting people at work is an outstanding way to show good social skills on the job. It is important for people to differentiate what is suitable for people at work to make assertive statements. Making assertive requests is an important skill, especially on the work site. It is helpful to get all information, and clarification, and ask for what you want. State the problem; it will help you to understand the problem. Make a request and get clarification on the problem.

Remind students that just because they are being self-confident, they do not have the right to make any demands they want. It is significant for students to practice approaching supervisors with different requirements.



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