The General Fact About Alcohol Detoxification

Dr. Purushothaman
September 12, 2013

It is a known fact. Alcoholism can kill. It is a form of addiction that destroys relationships and families. It is a condition that hinders the alcoholic's capabilities to concentrate and perform adequately at work.
The good thing though is that alcoholism can be treated. With a good support group and a comprehensive detoxification process alcoholics can recover from the slump, return to their lives and once more, become productive members of society.
Alcohol detoxification is a necessary process that alcoholics should go through in order to successfully overcome alcoholism. Several medical facilities offer comprehensive rehabilitation care integrating an alcohol detox diet constantly monitored by medical professionals. Experts agree that the sudden withdrawal of alcoholic substance from a body that has been severely used to it can cause a variety of reactions, some of which could be fatal. It can cause extreme levels of depression and anxiety, attention deficit and irritability. In severe cases, the alcoholic may experience convulsions and constantly feel nauseous.
Just the same, many individuals may find weeks of confinement in a facility extremely uncomfortable or even expensive. This should not stop the alcoholic from getting over the addiction as the recovery process can be done successfully at home. The keys to successful home-based alcohol detoxification? Constant support, diet and discipline.
Surround yourself with family and friends determined to see you surpass alcoholism. Allow them to monitor your behavior and solicit their support to help you stay away from places and occasions where you may be tempted to drink. Let friends assist you as you clean your cupboards and basement of alcohol. Give them the permission to occasionally inspect possible hiding places of alcoholic drinks.
A good support group may also be found in associations like Alcoholics Anonymous. It is also recommended that you join groups that engage in relaxing activities like meditation and yoga. Involve yourself in creative and productive endeavors, learn to paint, play a musical instrument or join a pottery class. These will help in your gradual reintegration into the non-alcoholic society.
In extreme cases, it is also recommended that you consult with a psychiatrist especially in cases when the recovering alcoholic begins to experience episodes of depression and anxiety. Make sure that you get enough sleep and exercise and that you follow a healthy lifestyle.
Choose what you eat and limit your diet to food that will help your body cope with the withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism. Included in the alcohol detox diet and meal plan are fruits rich in antioxidants, vitamins and positive carbohydrates such as apples, avocados, bananas, grapes, mangoes, oranges, pears, cherries and strawberries. Get enough fiber into your diet with organic wheat, rice and oats. Best protein sources for the alcohol detox diet are lean meat, poultry eggs and beans. Dark chocolate and green tea is also known to have high levels of antioxidants and are good additions to the alcohol detox diet.
More importantly, in following a strictly healthy lifestyle and diet, have discipline. Have the initiative to stay away from crowds and places that you used to frequent as an alcoholic. Park as far away as you can from the bar or the liquor store.
Lastly, reward yourself with a vacation that will allow you to relax, reflect and experience life as a sober individual.

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