Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder

Dr. Purushothaman
October 2, 2013

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder

Lots of controversy surrounds ADD and ADHD in children. Strong and differing opinions exist on how schools and doctors should handle ADD and ADHD. A little known fact is that several adults also struggle with these disorders.

Symptoms of ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) fall into three classes:.

* Problems with attention. ADD/ADHD sufferers have more trouble paying attention than others.
* Hyperactivity. People with ADD/ADHD struggle with sitting still.
* Impulsiveness. ADD/ADHD sufferers cannot control impulses to speak or move.

A diagnosis of ADD/ADHD does not require symptoms in all 3 categories. All 3 types of symptoms could be present, or the ADD/ADHD person may have only one kind of symptom.

ADD/ADHD is characterised by the following symptoms:

* Fidgeting and jumping out of one's chair.
* Being impatient.
* Unable to follow instructions.
* Interrupting a question to answer.
* Tendency to speak too much and interrupt.
* Does not listen.
* Trouble finishing tasks.
* Frequently forgetful.
* Loses track of things.

Getting to a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD will take time. Diagnosis can take a while whether or not it is a kid or an adult having symptoms. Doctors use four separate criteria to diagnose ADD/ADHD. Four criteria that has to be present are:.

* Symptoms must have started before age seven.
* Symptoms must be evident in a minimum of 2 separate settings, for example home, work, or school.
* Symptoms must prevent normal functioning in these situations.
* Symptoms are not an effect of any different illness or condition.

Self-diagnosis of ADD/ADHD is not recommended. People coping with ADD/ADHD should see a physician or mental health professional to rule out other causes.

ADD/ADHD often is wrongly diagnosed when the real problem is situational or behavioral. ADD/ADHD medications can not help behavioral or situational problems.

Behavioral methods are the best treatment for behavioral problems. Situational causes are common when adults and kids show ADD-like symptoms. A boring class or a bad employment situation can cause ADD-like symptoms. Jumping to an ADD/ADHD diagnosis too soon can cause unnecessary medication and ineffective treatment.

ADD/ADHD might well have a physical cause. Depressive disorders and anxiety disorders do typically overlap with ADD/ADHD. Accurate diagnosis is the key to effective treatment Effective treatment of underlying depression and anxiety must go hand in hand with ADD/ADHD treatment if both are present.

Anxiety and depression can not be effectively treated unless any ADD/ADHD is treated too. Sustainable recovery is more likely when all conditions are diagnosed and treated at once.

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