Fear and Phobia- List 15


Dr. Purushothaman
February 13, 2013

Phobia List

  • Oikophobia- Is the fear about home surroundings, house
  • Olfactophobia- Is the fear about smells
  • Ombrophobia- Is the fear about rain or of being rained on
  • Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia- Is the fear about eyes
  • Omphalophobia- Is the fear about belly buttons
  • Oneirophobia- Is the fear about dreams
  • Oneirogmophobia- Is the fear about wet dreams
  • Onomatophobia- Is the fear about hearing a certain word or of names
  • Ophidiophobia- Is the fear about snakes
  • Ophthalmophobia- Is the fear about being stared at
  • Opiophobia- Fear medical doctors experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients
  • Optophobia- Is the fear about opening one's eyes
  • Ornithophobia- Is the fear about birds
  • Orthophobia- Is the fear about property
  • Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia- Is the fear about smells or odors
  • Ostraconophobia- Is the fear about shellfish
  • Ouranophobia or Uranophobia- Is the fear about heaven
  • Pagophobia- Is the fear about ice or frost
  • Panthophobia- Is the fear about suffering and disease
  • Panophobia or Pantophobia- Is the fear about everything
  • Papaphobia- Is the fear about the Pope
  • Papyrophobia- Is the fear about paper
  • Paralipophobia- Is the fear about neglecting duty or responsibility
  • Paraphobia- Is the fear about sexual perversion
  • Parasitophobia- Is the fear about parasites

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