- Ablutophobia- Is the fear about washing or bathing
- Acrophobia- Is the fear about itching or of the insects that cause itching
- Acrophobia- Is the fear about sourness
- Achluophobia- Is the fear about darkness
- Acousticophobia- Is the fear about noise
- Acrophobia- Is the fear about heights
- Aerophobia- Is the fear about drafts, air swallowing, or airborne noxious substances
- Aeroacrophobia- Is the fear about open high places
- Aeronausiphobia- Is the fear about vomiting secondary to airsickness
- Agateophobia- Is the fear about insanity
- Agliophobia- Is the fear about pain
- Agoraphobia- Is the fear about open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets
- Agoraphobia- Is the fear about open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets
- Agrizoophobia- Is the fear about wild animals
- Agyrophobia- Is the fear about streets or crossing the street
- Aichmophobia- Is the fear about needles or pointed objects
- Ailurophobia- Is the fear about cats
- Ailurophobia- Is the fear about cats
- Ailurophobia- Is the fear about cats
- Algophobia- Is the fear about pain
- Algophobia- Is the fear about pain
- Allodoxaphobia- Is the fear about opinions
- Altophobia- Is the fear about heights
- Amathophobia- Is the fear about dust
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