Fear and Phobia- List 21


Dr. Purushothaman
February 13, 2013

Phobia List

  • Tocophobia- Is the fear about pregnancy or childbirth
  • Tomophobia- Is the fear about surgical operations
  • Tonitrophobia- Is the fear about thunder
  • Topophobia- Is the fear about certain places or situations, such as stage fright
  • Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia- Is the fear about poison or of being accidently poisoned
  • Traumatophobia- Is the fear about injury
  • Tremophobia- Is the fear about trembling
  • Trichinophobia- Is the fear about trichinosis
  • Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Is the fear about hair
  • Triskaidekaphobia- Is the fear about the number 13
  • Tropophobia- Is the fear about moving or making changes
  • Trypanophobia- Is the fear about injections
  • Tuberculophobia- Is the fear about tuberculosis
  • Tyrannophobia- Is the fear about tyrants
  • Tyrannophobia- Is the fear about tyrants
  • Urophobia- Is the fear about urine or urinating
  • Urophobia- Is the fear about urine or urinating
  • Venustraphobia- Is the fear about beautiful women
  • Venustraphobia- Is the fear about beautiful women
  • Verminophobia- Is the fear about germs
  • Verminophobia- Is the fear about germs
  • Verminophobia- Is the fear about germs
  • Verminophobia- Is the fear about germs
  • Walloonphobia- Is the fear about the Walloons
  • Wiccaphobia: Is the fear about witches and witchcraft

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