- Didaskaleinophobia- Is the fear about going to school.
- Dikephobia- Is the fear about justice.
- Dinophobia- Is the fear about dizziness or whirlpools.
- Diplophobia- Is the fear about double vision.
- Dipsophobia- Is the fear about drinking.
- Dishabiliophobia- Is the fear about undressing in front of someone.
- Disposophobia- Is the fear about throwing stuff out. Hoarding.
- Doraphobia- Is the fear about fur or skins of animals.
- Doxophobia- Is the fear about expressing opinions or of receiving praise.
- Dromophobia- Is the fear about crossing streets.
- Dutchphobia- Is the fear about the Dutch.
- Dysmorphophobia- Is the fear about deformity.
- Dystychiphobia- Is the fear about accidents.
- Ecclesiophobia- Is the fear about church.
- Ecophobia- Is the fear about home.
- Eicophobia- Is the fear about home surroundings.(Domatophobia, Oikophobia)
- Eisoptrophobia- Is the fear about mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.
- Electrophobia- Is the fear about electricity.
- Eleutherophobia- Is the fear about freedom.
- Elurophobia- Is the fear about cats. (Ailurophobia)
- Emetophobia- Is the fear about vomiting.
- Enetophobia- Is the fear about pins.
- Enochlophobia- Is the fear about crowds.
- Enosiophobia or EnIsophobia- Is the fear about having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism
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