- Illyngophobia- Is the fear about vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down
- Iophobia- Is the fear about poison
- Iophobia- Is the fear about poison
- Isolophobia- Is the fear about solitude, being alone
- Isopterophobia- Is the fear about termites, insects that eat wood
- Ithyphallophobia- Is the fear about seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis
- Japanophobia- Is the fear about Japanese
- Judeophobia- Is the fear about Jews
- Kainolophobia or Kainophobia- Is the fear about anything new, novelty
- Kakorrhaphiophobia- Is the fear about failure or defeat
- Katagelophobia- Is the fear about ridicule
- Kathisophobia- Is the fear about sitting down
- Katsaridaphobia- Is the fear about cockroaches
- Kenophobia- Is the fear about voids or empty spaces
- Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia- Is the fear about thunder and lightning
- Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia- Is the fear about movement or motion
- Kleptophobia- Is the fear about stealing
- Koinoniphobia- Is the fear about rooms
- Kolpophobia- Is the fear about genitals, particularly female
- Kopophobia- Is the fear about fatigue
- Koniophobia- Is the fear about dust
- Kosmikophobia- Is the fear about cosmic phenomenon
- Kymophobia- Is the fear about waves
- Kymophobia- Is the fear about waves
- Kyphophobia- Is the fear about stooping
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