Fear and Phobia- List 13


Dr. Purushothaman
February 13, 2013

Phobia List

  • Medorthophobia- Is the fear about an erect penis
  • Megalophobia- Is the fear about large things
  • Melissophobia- Is the fear about bees
  • Melanophobia- Is the fear about the color black
  • Melophobia- Fear or hatred of music
  • Meningitophobia- Is the fear about brain disease
  • Menophobia- Is the fear about menstruation
  • Merinthophobia- Is the fear about being bound or tied up
  • Metallophobia- Is the fear about metal
  • Metathesiophobia- Is the fear about changes
  • Meteorophobia- Is the fear about meteors
  • Methyphobia- Is the fear about alcohol
  • Methyphobia- Is the fear about alcohol
  • Microbiophobia- Is the fear about microbes
  • Microphobia- Is the fear about small things
  • Misophobia or Mysophobia- Is the fear about being contaminated with dirt or germs
  • Mnemophobia- Is the fear about memories
  • Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia- Is the fear about dirt or contamination
  • Monophobia- Is the fear about solitude or being alone
  • Monopathophobia- Is the fear about definite disease
  • Monopathophobia- Is the fear about definite disease
  • Mottephobia- Is the fear about moths
  • Musophobia or Muriphobia- Is the fear about mice
  • Mycophobia- Fear or aversion to mushrooms
  • Mycrophobia- Is the fear about small things
  • Myctophobia- Is the fear about darkness
  • Myctophobia- Is the fear about darkness
  • Mythophobia- Is the fear about myths or stories or false statements

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