Personal Life Changes

Dr. Purushothaman
October 9, 2013

Change is the only constant, and life is full of it. Everyday something is different, be it something small or something revolutionary. Your life is never the same for two days in a row; in fact it sometimes feels like it's changing with every moment. There are the positive ones, there are the negative ones, and there are the seemingly neutral ones.

Handling changes in your personal life can be a very difficult process. One of the biggest hurdles in leading a comfortable like is conditioning yourself to get used to the constant change. Some people seem to be built for this. They get bored when things stay the same for long and are constantly looking for new and exciting things. They are prone to taking risks, some of which turn out well while others don't. On the other hand there are people who find comfort in familiarity. They like routine and the things that come with it.

No matter which kind of person you are, you will often be faced with change in your personal life. When these changes are drastic, large or influential in nature, it affects everything in your life. If you lose a loved one, get married, move to another town, or have a baby, the rest of your life is automatically affected. Handling these personal life changes efficiently is not always an easy process. How do you manage your life so that the changes in your personal life, positive or negative, are taken in your stride? How do you turn into that person who takes everything gracefully?

Compartmentalization of your life is the first step. Although it may seem like a really simple thing to do, many of us don't divide the things into our lives into categories. Know who your friends are, know what they would do for you, know what your job is, what you need to do at work, etc. The actual knowledge of these small things helps you categories things and develop priorities. This way, when there are changes in your personal life it is easier to realise what kind of change it is.

The second step to understand how this change will affect other parts of your life. Don't let every little change in your personal life affect your career. Between a date with your new girlfriend and an extended meeting, decide your priorities and determine how one is going to affect the others. You are the only person who can decide how events in your personal life are going to affect you, and how they're going to affect your career.

The basic mistake that we all make is that we refuse to take decisions. Sometimes deciding on something and sticking with it no matter how tough, is all it takes you uncomplicated your life. When things change in your personal life, use these steps to come to a decision about what action you need to take next and stick with that choice. It will help you stay focused and create a better, clearer perspective for you. More importantly, being able to make a choice and stick with it will boost your self-esteem.


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