Meditation Videos - Meditation Techniques

Dr. Purushothaman
January 23, 2014


The Goal of Meditation (Practice) may have different objectives and values to different people. Ideally Meditation should be an integral part of living a spiritual lifestyle integrating Yoga in various forms and organizing one's life well balanced along the lines of Spirit Mind and Body. With this in mind, one may incorporate into one's daily routines a Practice utilizing one of many techniques that is available. All Meditation Techniques have some value, even though they vary in as many ways as there are techniques. The world of meditation is appealing to more and more people from all walks of life all over the world. With the advent of mass availability of the Internet along with advances in Internet Technologies with Broadband that is now widely available, Meditation Videos presenting all kinds of Meditation Techniques have not only made the Practice more approachable, but also Meditation Videos have taken the mystery out of Meditation, easing the way for self-starters, beginners as well as those who are considered intermediate or advanced to also participate in watching Meditation Videos.Many schools and areas of Yoga such as Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Kriya Yoga and others, just to name a few, have clearly defined techniques and practices relating to each specialty area. All schools and branches of Yoga are connected in one way or the other with Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which is the origin of Yoga in all its forms and glory, undiluted in its original form since its origins about 200 years BC. Meditation Techniques in various forms and applications are an integral part of all Yoga practices. Meditation can be practiced with all the documented benefits without the practice of Yoga, even though one who is practicing any form of Meditation is technically practicing Yoga. Most recently Osho have designed many useful techniques applicable to a modern lifestyle paving the way with a broad focus, yet leaving the way open for so many other approaches.This Article is the first of a series of articles that will touch upon various topics on Meditation, almost all of which are now readily available through Meditation Videos. Topics that will be covered in this series include, but not limited to, the following list of Practice topics: what is, benefits of, guided techniques, laughter meditation, spirituality articles, learn to meditate with techniques from various spiritual teachings, plus free music and meditation downloads and podcasts. Science is also discovering that different meditation techniques have different effects on the brain and physiology and overall well being of the practitioners. Articles dedicated to sharing meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions will also be covered. The emerging paradigm is that different meditation techniques yield different results, involve different cognitive processes and produce different brain patterns. Whether or not the benefits of some meditation techniques are not yet substantiated by valid research, what is most important is that anyone who meditate will definitely notice positive benefits, irrespective of the Meditation Technique applied.Meditation Videos present audio visual opportunities to enhance the Meditation experience of the viewer with generous free samples of every inner journey tools and format, along with Guided imagery and guided meditation MP3 downloads. Meditation Videos can be your guided meditation spiritual divine guru. Credit is well deserved by Meditation Videos providers of guided meditation as the efforts can be overwhelming with the details to provide a quality product. Guided meditation utilizing Meditation Videos uses visualization techniques and a subtle rhythm to guide your mind to the relaxing Alpha State. This is done through the combination of audio visual presentation and guided meditation utilizing Advanced Sound Technologies such as Binaural Beats with BrainWave Entrainment Benefits.
About the Author
Bharat Anand RajANANDA has been a serious student and practitioner of Yoga and Meditation from the young age of 14. He is 63 years old as of November 25, 2010 and applied these teachings in all areas of his life. His focus on Spirit, Mind and Body is well integrated into his life at all levels and areas. These teachings and applications have contributed very positively to his life's affairs and provided the ways and means of successfully coping with life's challenges, trials and tribulations, with always a sense of peace, love, harmony, goodwill, inner joy, happiness and bliss.
Bharat Anand RajANANDA
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