Learning How To Cope With Anxiety Problems

Frustrated student

Dr. Purushothaman
September 24, 2013

There are many different types of anxiety problems that are experienced by individuals around the world. In some cases, the anxiety that is experienced is going to be so extreme that you will feel that you need to get professional help. The type of help that is available is going to differ, depending upon the type of anxiety that you are experiencing. Here are a few of the options that may be open to you and how you may be able to cope with the anxiety that is a problem for you.
First of all, it's important for you to understand that you are not alone if you are experiencing panic attacks. The symptoms that you experience, however, can be quite disconcerting to say the very least. They can include everything from a rapid heartbeat and pains in the chest to breathlessness and feeling as if you are going to pass out. Some individuals experience a panic attack that lasts only for a few seconds while others may experience them for hours at a time. It is estimated that one out of every 50 individuals experiences panic attacks regularly, with many of them trying to ignore it or simply trying to get over it on their own.
As far as a panic attack treatment is concerned, there are different options that may be open to you. Your doctor may feel that it is best for you to use medication which will help you to cope with the anxiety by affecting some of your symptoms. It is important to note, no medication is going to be a cure for anxiety or panic attacks. Any type of medication that is prescribed for you is simply going to remove some of your symptoms but it may also cause side effects. As a matter of fact, some drugs that are prescribed for anxiety and depression may actually cause additional anxiety and the potential for suicidal thoughts! Quite obviously, that's not the type of therapy that you will always want to choose.
Regardless of whether your physician wants you to use medication or not, it is likely that a qualified therapist is also going to be recommended. Many of the problems that are experienced with anxiety and depression stem from underlying causes that may not be easy to detect. A therapist can help you to talk out the problems that you are experiencing and to deal with the situation head-on. If you're able to discover why you are having the anxiety attacks, it is more likely that you will be able to face them and deal with them successfully.
Keep in mind, the problems that led to your anxiety did not occur overnight. In many cases, they were a combination of problems that took many years to reveal themselves in the form of panic attacks. Any type of treatment is also going to take time for it to work fully. Although you may experience some relief quickly when you use the right type of panic attack treatment, it is necessary for you to stick with the treatment to experience lasting relief.

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