Laughter- The Perfect Medicine for Anxiety

Dr. Purushothaman
September 24, 2013

It is nearly impossible to think clearly when your mind is flooded with anxiety. Anxiety in one way can also be understood as the opposite of laughter or happiness. By this, it would make sense that if you laugh often, anxiety would not be able to overpower you. Whether you are anxious about your work, an exam or a relationship, laughter can certainly help you to think through the worst situation and open the gateway to positive solutions.
Laughter therapy is today accepted by most reputable medical specialists because it has indeed the potential to do miracles. By laughing just about 10-20 minutes each day, you can reduce your heart problems, respiratory problems, blood pressure, and empower the immune system. In addition, laughter also promotes the production of endorphins (the feel-good hormones), which as a result unwind the entire body and mind.

Furthermore, laughter regulates the function of the endocrine glands, which optimizes the production of hormones in the body. Once, your hormone production is optimal, all the systems in the body begin to function properly. As a result, you feel and look healthy, happy and peaceful.

You must consider introducing laughter therapy in to your life and practice laughter every day. Initially, it might be a difficult task to laugh without any reason. However, laughter therapy will take away all your anxieties, eventually making you feel healthier, happier and tranquil.


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