Co-workers aggressively arm wrestling for dominance
Conflicts are disastrous for any relationship, irrespective of whether it is between two people or more. Relationships are a source of pleasure and so, it is obvious for people to find out ways of resolution instead of paving the way for the end of a relation. You can never actually resolve conflicts until you are ready to accommodate others' point of views and it is therefore that negotiation in conflict resolution has a very significant role to play.
What is Negotiation?
Communication of what you think and giving importance to what others feel about the same issue for the purpose of arriving at a joint decision revolves around the process of negotiation. Whenever there is an issue or conflict, it is obvious that there is a clash of interests, which needs to be resolved. Negotiation allows you cater to a part of your requirements while also giving others a part of what they want. This kind of mutual agreement is beneficial for each of the parties associated with the matter. Let us take a look at the steps involved in the process of negotiation:
Steps Involved in Negotiating for Resolving Conflicts
To begin with, the context has to be set appropriately. Imagine yourself in the position of one who is entrusted with the responsibility of guiding the discussion to the right direction. Make sure that everyone, who will eventually speak, are offered with a comfortable seat and everything that makes them relax and feel at ease.
Listen carefully and allow others to hear out each other properly too to ensure that the issue comes up with all its aspects. A conflict has several reasons behind it and resolving it seems impossible without a clarification of all the points of origination. Once the problem is made clear, the scopes for solving it automatically emerge.
The third step is obviously the one in which the negotiation is framed. The possibilities are identified through thorough discussion and brainstorming. The common points of agreement have to be devised along with the grounds of acceptability of these for others.
After an agreement is reached, it is essential to summarize everything especially, if it is an important issue and if the negotiation is between large numbers of people. To make the points clear to all, you may also prepare some documents stating the resolution of conflict and issues agreed upon. Provide each one with a copy of this document to avoid arising of conflicts of similar nature in the future.
Negotiation in conflict resolution is immensely important. However, you may not always have the scope to make everyone sit together and engage in a discussion. When the situation is such, take the help of the websites serving as conflict resolution center to connect and negotiate with the important people in your life.