Management is a set of practices that are required to define objectives of an organization and planning, strategizing, allocating resources and measuring the results to achieve those objectives. Management is and abstract and wide term and is required in every aspect of our lives today. It is hard to precisely define the scope of management in one definition.
Management is closely related to leadership in fundamentals behind both are the same that includes guiding others to achievement of particular objectives through inspired methods. Still, there are number of significant Differences in both terms relating to the ways of inspiration and amount of formal vs. Informal credibility accounted to the two(Management and leadership).
General education is about imparting fundamentals understanding of things that happen usually to us in our society. General education differs from highly scientific technical education that prepares the future technocrats for challenges and complexities that they may have to face in future during the course of their career.
General education has its own unique importance in our society at the individual; and civil level as it imparts common moral values in the people belonging to any level of technical efficiency. General education is also important in the development process. It helps the society in looking at the social and ethical questions that are raised consistently by new development policies and projects. It will ensure that a country's long-term interests are given certain enough amount of priority over short-term gains.
Within the education sector, general education encourages the countries for defining national intellectual priorities and promotes an intellectual identity through the process of defining the content of a general education curriculum that effectively meets the nationally specific needs.
Finally, better general education system may be proved to be helpful for reducing the brain drain. Providing in country general education is less expensive than sending undergraduates abroad. For example, there are roughly 350,000 developing- country graduate and undergraduate students in the United States alone, at a total cost of approximately US$10 billion per year, which exceeds the individual gross national product of more than half of the countries in the whole world. Students who are educated at home are more likely to remain at home, perhaps even for graduate study.
Even in cases where students prefer to go to abroad for pursuing graduate study and that are the largest group, they are more likely to want to return to a society that has offered them an intellectually stimulating environment during their undergraduate career.