Parents can normally find themselves butting heads with their children on every subject. Some days you are very best friends with your child while on several other days, you two are both trenched down in view and not budging. When you are experiencing child behavior problems it is vital to look away from the perspective that a parent is always right and instead see how your behavior may be influencing a reaction. Parent-child interaction specialist Laura Fobler has pointed out that kids normally maintain a set behavioral example and it is often responses by parents which create controversy or rebellion.
This will very fast be displayed by comparing two days in the life of a parent. On one day they are having an exceptionally good day for any number of factors and this positivity is reflected upon the kid. When a kid is excited you are home you may convey the same sentiment. While they want to play with you or need assistance with their homework you are keen to participate because you feel good about yourself. You go to bed happy that you had such a great day and were a fantastic parent.
On some other day, you may see an endless stream of child behavior problems when it is in fact you who possibly will be creating the problems. You are now in a bad mood after a hard day at the office or from simple tiredness. A kid greeting you at home may be excited to see you but that pleasure transmits into a headache as you try and relax. Wishes for interaction are met with displeasure and demands for homework guidance turn into a quarrel over responsibility. You go to bed tired and annoyed over the day's proceedings along with the deprived behavior of your children.
Though I was under the feeling that being reliable was the solution to problems like this, I was blown away to learn from Laura Fobler that being consistent is impossible! As described before, based on a mood, people can only be consistent with their very own emotions and needs! This means that parents require to convey their true feelings rather than being consistent with regulations. Kids will never get annoyed or confused by being constant with their true feelings. On the contrary! They will learn that you are a human being rather than a robot, they will learn to take your emotions into account and they will learn to be empathic. Who will not want a child like this?