Husband Wife Dispute Solution In Astrology

Dr. Purushothaman
September 12, 2013

Husband wife dispute are common problem these days in all our world we can see that and read in news paper that divorce cases are increasing people marry earlier and they also break up their relationship without try to finding a solution. It’s not good that we can leave any relationship earlier because there are many other effects like big effect on pour children and our social reputation so if we are facing some problem in our marriage relationship then divorce is not a solution for any problem. Why Dispute Are occur?: Firstly we analysis that why dispute are occur in a relationship some small issues convert in big issues and we don’t care about it but after few time when we realize that but time is no more to solve our problem Some common issues are like . Time problem we are too busy in our work and don’t get proper time to our partner and its creates problem. So if you are want to solve dispute problem then firstly sit and talk to your partner prepare a list of your mistake which are reason of your probes. Then talk to your partner and promise him/her that you never create these mistakes again. How Astrology Help to solve dispute Problem? Yes its right that w9ith the help of astrology we can solve our dispute problem in marriage life many of people are taking help from astrologer and they are happy because astrology helps to save their relationship. Sometime our planets which are effected to our love life and relation to our partner when we marry with a person we all know that astrologer match our Kundli because Kundli plays very big role some time we don’t match Kundli and marry directly so go to a good astrologer and consult about your planets position I am sure that with the help of Kundli specialist astrologer you are get solution for your husband wife dispute problem.
Astrologer use may techniques firstly he reads you and your partner Kundli then match planets position which are friendly planets and which are enemy planets situate in your Kundli. With the help of Vedic astrology techniques astrologer analysis your Kundli matching and if some problems are situated regarding some malefic planets then prepare a solution like pooja and some special tantra mantra for your problem so you can easily solve your problems. Some special technique in Indian Vedic astrology is help to solve your dispute problem like • Vashikaran Astrology • Marriage Horoscope Astrology • Love Astrology • Love Spell mantra And many more astrology techniques are use to solve our problem astrologer is able to solve any kind of problem so fell free to consult with an astrologer and live happier life ever.

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