How To Quit Drinking In 3 Easy Steps

Dr. Purushothaman
September 11, 2013

Craving certain substances is not a matter of corrupt morals or weak wills. It is often a series of learned behaviours and body chemistry.[i] Something as simple as a genetic background can predict potential alcohol problems. For instance, people from Middle East background have been using alcohol for over 2,000 years. As a sharp contrast, some groups of people, such as the Inuit or Eskimo have been exposed to alcohol and refined starches for less than 100 years. Their bodies have not had the thousands of years to adapt to a substance that is largely foreign to them. (Before you dismiss me as a racist, read on.)

Some people may lack a certain enzyme (such as acetaldehyde dehydrogenase) to break down the harmful effects of alcohol. Others can process large amounts of alcohol without (immediate) ill effects. As the saying goes, "One man's meat is another man's poison." Alcoholics physically process alcohol differently than non-alcoholics.

The alcoholic's system converts alcohol to acetaldehyde twice as fast as a Non-Alcoholic and then is twice as slow to process the acetaldehyde into acetic acid (vinegar). The alcoholic gets a faster happy "high" feeling than the non- alcoholic, but retains the poisonous by-product (acetaldehyde) longer.
Hence, alcoholism tends to be higher than average among some ethnic groups such as the Irish and American Indian. These groups of people tend to have high amounts of acetaldehyde producing enzymes and low amounts of acetaldehyde-destroying enzymes.

Certain medical conditions can also influence the tendency towards alcohol (and cigarette or sugar cravings). Researcher Joan Mathews Larson explains that most alcoholic patients also suffer from the following medical conditions:[iii]
• Vitamin/mineral deficiency
• Hypothyroidism
• Hypoglycemia
• Food and chemical allergies
• Candida-related complex

Generally speaking and from my own personal experience, an unhealthy body will tend to crave alcohol, tobacco and sugar more than a healthy body.


Not everybody who drinks alcohol has a problem. Moderate and social drinking is accepted as long as it does not affect your lifestyle physically or mentally. However, considering the impact that alcohol can have on your family, friends and yourself - even your unborn child - think twice before you lift that third glass of scotch, wine or any other alcohol - And be alert for any information that helps show how to quit drinking.

Alcohol can affect your fertility

Research shows that consumption of alcohol can affect the fertility of both men and women even if it is frequent, moderate drinking. While most people feel that alcohol lets them loosen up and feel free and uninhibited on the bed, on the contrary, alcohol can create a condition called gynecomastia which actually reduces a man’s sexual interests over a period of time. Also, increased and frequent consumption of alcohol can lessen the density of sperm within a man. Along with the lowered sperm count, some men can also experience other complications related to the sperm leading to infertility. Alcohol is also known to lower the levels of T-serum which is another common cause of infertility.

Alcoholism among women can cause disorders like amenorrhea and reduced ovary count or no ovulation thus leading to infertility. Women who are trying to conceive should seriously consider giving up alcohol. Alcoholic women who become pregnant or women who continue drinking during pregnancy have a higher risk of spontaneous abortion, still birth and premature birth. Alcohol can also impair the growth and development of the fetus. Also, most alcoholic mothers face the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome which is characterized by deficient growth - physically and mentally, brain anomalies and heart defects. Alcohol can reduce the longevity of your life

While alcohol by itself is harmful to health, it can also cause other serious disorders which put the alcoholic on high risk or life threatening conditions. Incessant drinking is known to cause cardiovascular diseases such as cardiomyopathy, strokes and cardiac arrhythmia. Alcoholics can also develop high blood pressure. Some of them put in a lot of weight, thus leading to obesity. Try giving up alcohol if you are suffering from diabetes, high level of triglycerides, high blood pressure, obesity or any heart disorders. Recent research states that drinking a certain amount of alcohol every day can reduce heart disease risks but this does not sufficient justification for consuming alcohol.

Alcohol can affect your family, friends and even unknown people

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