How to Go About the Process of Addiction Self Help


Dr. Purushothaman
January 12, 2014

Overcoming addiction through self help techniques is one of the most effective ways and can be brought about through thinking positive, practicing meditation and hypnotherapy, managing anger and stress and joining self-help groups and forums.

If addiction self help is what you are seeking in order to overcome your problems of addiction, be it for alcohol, drug, sex, gaming, or even internet, chances are that you have realized the detrimental effects that such addictive behavior can bring to your life. While undergoing counseling and therapies can indeed have a positive influence on such behaviors, self-help is by far one of the most efficacious ways of overcoming addictions. Such self help techniques are resorted to by practicing meditation and deep breathing, thinking positive, managing anger and stress and joining self help groups like addiction forums and addiction chat rooms. Therefore, if you have embarked on the healthy way to practice abstinence on your own, here are some tips to help you tread the path with ease.
Thinking Positive and Bringing Optimistic Changes to Your Life- One of the first steps towards overcoming addiction on your own is to channelize your thoughts in a positive direction. Self âEUR"introspection is largely a part of this process whereby you require answering certain questions regarding your addictive behavior. What are the things, which you are trying to escape by taking resort to the addictions? Is there anything you pine for and not getting which is leading to such behaviors? Once you get the answers yourself, try digging out things or strengths, which will make positive replacements to your addictions. Be with people who are not cynics and who have the optimistic outlook towards life to help you walk on the path of optimism.
Joining Self-Help Groups- Self-help groups can turn out to be supportive reinforcements in fighting addictions. Addiction forums and addiction chat rooms are common platforms whereby you can communicate with others of your kind who are going through similar problems, thus having the assurance that there are many like you trying to triumph over their peculiar addiction issues. While addiction chat rooms give you the opportunity to talk with experts to discuss and clarify any doubts that you might be nurturing, the addiction forums and discussion boards proffer valuable information on such behaviors. Joining such self-help forums boosts up the morale while endowing you with opportunities galore to re-discover the talents and hobbies that had been relinquished to the oblivion.
Undergoing Hypnotherapy- This method of addiction self help can be resorted to at your own home with the help of a psychiatrist or expert trained in the specific niche. Use of hypnotherapy and watching DVDs on the same can answer many of the questions that are perturbing your mind as well as reorganize and channelize your thoughts in the positive direction.
Divert Your Mind- Another effective method to kick the addictive behavior is to divert yourself from the source of addictions to more positive things, which give your mind the relaxation it desires. Such things might range from reading books and solving crosswords to nurturing your hobbies like gardening, singing, exercising, and what not.
Meditation and Managing Stress- Finally, practicing meditation and managing factors, which disturb your mind such as anger and stress, are important ways of addiction self help.

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