How to develop communication skills to create more opportunities

Dr. Purushothaman
October 9, 2013

Being able to communicate what you need is something you start learning from the time you're born. Are you hungry? Cry a little bit and get a bottle. As the years go by, the voice becomes the important communication tool. Our skills are refined with age and practice, and by the time we're adults and pursue our careers, we're able to distinctively voice what it is we want out of life.

However, not many of us have the capabilities to convincingly convey our wants and needs through communication skills. Further practice in the development of your communications skills is imperative in areas like business. It doesn't matter if you're a small business owner or in charge of a multi-national conglomerate, the ability to effectively communicate is crucial. The main idea is to convey your message in the best possible way, hopefully generating a proactive response.

Whether you're speaking to individuals or large groups, the art of communication is important; and not solely vocal communication skills - although they're most used - written and electronic communication is also very important in the business world. For starters, you need to grasp what communication at this level actual is before you can hope to improve on it.

Communication, through written words, non-verbal actions and spoken words, is the mechanism used to establish and modify relationships. In order to improve on your skills and help create more business opportunities, you have to start by bringing a better attitude to the conversation. You should manifest constructive attitudes and be honest, optimistic and patient with people who aren't necessarily on the same page.

Although conveying your point is important, the "listening" aspect of communicating is equally as important. If you're speaking or being spoken to, make eye contact with the person/people involved in the conversation. You don't have to stare directly at them for extended periods, but eye contact shows that your attention isn't wavering. This then encourages people and shows them that you're a trustworthy person who listens.

Being essentially personable is a great way to enhance your skills and excel in the business world. Oh, the dreaded body language! You should always be aware of your posture while speaking, especially if promoting business ideas to interested parties. Your eyes and voice can be strong, but if your body language is telling a different story, that's the one that the audience is going to hear.

Make sure that you're not carrying a posture that will read as if you're uninterested; this goes for speaking and listening to others. Be in command of your body during conversations. Never mince words and always say what you mean and mean what you say. It's important that a communicator comes across as confident, but it's even more important that they come across as commanding.

If you don't sound like you believe in your proposed business venture, who else is going to? Your tone and confidence in yourself can sell ideas to even the harshest of critics. Always have a belief in the things you bring to the table and the courage to say them. Lastly, remember that practice makes perfect. Good communication skills don't happen overnight. You have to implement the principles of good communication if you expect good things to happen.

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