How Healthy or Unhealthy Are You with Setting Boundaries

Dr. Purushothaman
January 26, 2025

Setting boundaries is an important part of life in establishing your identity and mental well-being. Boundaries can be different from person to person and they can be emotional as well physical. In this article, we discuss how important it is to set healthy boundaries for yourself and avoid unhealthy habits. Healthy boundaries ensure that you are mentally and emotionally stable.

Setting healthy habits is good for you and the people around you. When you know what your boundaries are, you become clearer about yourself and other people understand what they should expect from you. We list down some of the healthy boundaries that you may put into practice. They are as follows;

  • Physical Boundaries

Physical boundaries include things like your personal space, your body requirements like eating, drinking, etc., and your comfort with touch. It is perfectly alright to let people know that you do not like to be touched or that you need your personal space. It is also fine to tell people that you need rest or you feel hungry. By setting physical boundaries you save yourself from physical abuse or neglect.

  • Emotional Boundaries

Emotional boundaries comprise understanding how much emotional energy you can soak in and how much emotions you want to share. It also includes limiting yourself in sharing your emotions with people who respond poorly. Emotional boundaries are respecting and honouring the feeling of your emotions. When you set such boundaries it saves you from violations of emotions.

  • Intellectual Boundaries

Intellectual boundaries comprise your ideas and thoughts. By setting intellectual boundaries you include respect for your ideas and thoughts as well as other people. Respect and dialogue are key ingredients to intellectual boundaries. Healthy intellectual boundaries also include considering whether it is a good time to talk or not.

  • Material Boundaries

Material items include things like money, electronic gadgets, jewellery, clothing, house, etc. By setting material boundaries you make yourself and people understand the things that you can or cannot share. By settling material boundaries, you prevent resentment over time. Also, when you have material boundaries in place the risk of your material items being destroyed or stolen when they are borrowed is less. You also save yourself from making your relationships go bad by setting such boundaries.

The above-mentioned are some of the healthy boundaries that you may set in life. By setting such healthy boundaries you become a better person and present yourself better to other people too. When you have boundaries in place you have clarity of things to do in life. All you need to do is learn how to set healthy boundaries in life. When you know the difference between healthy and unhealthy boundaries, you are heading in the right direction in your life. By setting the right boundaries, you will be able to focus on your priorities and make decisions that will be beneficial not only to you but to the people around you as well.

If at any point in life, you feel the need for setting up healthy boundaries or giving up unhealthy habits you may get in touch with Living in Wellbeing counsellors. Our experts will understand your lifestyle and guide you towards improving it.


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