Healthy Living Tips For You

Dr. Purushothaman
September 3, 2013

Healthy living is the best thing one should be dreaming of. A young mind in a healthy body capable of conquering the world, that not withstanding there is nothing in this life that is permanent. We also know that the only constant thing in nature is change. More so we understand that our body systems can change according to our age, but we should try to live in way that our body should be able to manage even in the old age of our lives. This is so because if we fail to take care of our health when we are young then it will obviously be very difficult to live styles in our old ages. Thus the young age is the ripe age to have a good health and preserve nutrients for our further life. For those of us who are still young it will be good to safeguard and preserve our health for longevity. What you are supposed to do is just to put in a bit of effort for healthy living.

The most important part of healthy living is a healthy diet. This healthy diet evolves the eating of nutritious and healthy food; they will go a long way to strengthen your immune system, this way reducing the risk of getting affected by infections. In addition to that a healthy diet should also be sandwich with a good sleep and adequate exercises. Doing all these things will help to flourish our lifestyle. Below are some of the tips that can help you to live healthy.

The first important tip to note here is that you should consume a reasonable amount of citrus fruits because they are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Also note that vitamin C is very essential in boosting the immune system and on the other hand antioxidants help to flush out all the toxic matters from our body. Vitamin C is not being stored in the body for that reason we should be consuming it in our daily diets. Fruits like orange, strawberry, kiwi, cantaloupe, Indian Gooseberry, raspberry, papaya, lemon, and cranberry are known to be the richest source of vitamin C.

Secondly make sure that you consume fresh green vegetables and fruits frequently. This is because this vegetables and fruits are flooded with vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrition very useful to the body. Not only that, they also contain a large volume of water, which is important to flush out all toxic matter from the body system. It goes a long way to promote excellent health and gives good amounts of energy and strength to the body.

The third tip which is also very important consists of drinking plenty of water everyday, because water is the most essential part of all living things. Water make up 75% of our body, therefore in order to keep our bodies hydrated we should consume enough water. Also water helps the blood cells to reach all organs smoothly. Water keeps the body organs hydrated. In order to enjoy the help of water in your body skip your daily intake of tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol and replace them with lime water, fresh juice of fruits, vegetables, and butter milk.

People should try as much as possible to substitute their white sugar with natural sweetener honey. They should replace all items made by white flour with whole wheat, including bread. Eat whole wheat bread, whole grains, and unfortified cereals. Cut down the intake of processed food items. Avoid frozen fruits and grab fresh fruits. Strictly stop smoking or inhaling tobacco.

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