Healthy Living Tips - 30

Dr. Purushothaman
January 21, 2015

Avoid effervescent drinks of every kind
– they contain phosphorus that depletes our CA levels and makes our bodies acidic. Stop dieting to melt off – diet fails eighty fifth – ninety seven of the times

Humans square measure the sole animals that drink their calories as adults – raise yourself it it’s very operating for us and decide on water or seasoning teas of sugar-filled beverages

Minimize or take away fully cytotoxic relationships from your life and mind

Move toward self-love and provides attention usually to your relationship with yourself

Once ingestion melon, eat it alone or leave it alone

Remove white flour and white sugar from your food – they're dead foods that offer nothing to your body

Ask your yourself, honestly, what it'd fancy modification some harmful habits in your life

Once ingested something, prevent and chew every mouthful completely for the most effective digestion and assimilation attainable

Once ingestion, eat what your body tells you it needs
Healthy Living Tips

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