In a simple terms, Alcoholism is a major sickness or disorder differentiated by some loss of control over drinking, with addiction or compulsion to the drug alcohol, and it can cause interfering in any function of life such as health, friends, family, legal, spiritual, job. "
Alcoholism is a chronic ill health fact by habitual, constant drinking that harm one's physical condition, economic and social performance. Excessive use of alcoholic drinks breakdowns a person’s health and it makes the person addict for alcohol. And if a person become addict for alcohol then sudden lack of alcohol leads to harsh extraction symptoms.
Alcoholism is the well-liked term for disorders such as alcohol addiction (dependence) and alcohol abuse and both disorders have serious effects and repetition of alcohol becomes the person habituated. Alcoholism is a terrible disease that affects the entire person as alcoholism destroys the particular person’s life not only physically but also mentally. It also effects on the other area of life i.e. getting problem with regulation, loosing a job, craving, physical dependence, spoiled control and increased tolerance and loosing temper.
The first step for the alcoholism is to take alcoholic drink rarely or occasionally. Then after some times it becomes habit and the person who drink rarely becomes addict for alcoholism. It’s not necessary to notice about how much you drink in quantity but if there is loss of control after little or some more than slight drinking finely turns into alcoholism and causes problems in your any area of your life such as relationship, health, and work.
We cannot define Alcoholics as the persons who drink regularly or those with extended history of drinking, or those who become hunger after alcohol or as any other symptoms.
The continued abuse of alcohol has various enduring physiological consequences containing , but not partial to, brain damage, liver damage, stomach and esophageal ulcers, heart disease, , , memory loss, skin problems, vitamin deficiencies, sexual performance problems, etc. ...
There are so many causes for alcoholism such as failure in business, Emotional causes like discontented relations and heart break, sudden departure of beloved one, passion or maintain relation or society status etc.
Drinking alcohol is become a moderate fashion means people using alcohol such as sharing a glass of wine, go outside with friends, celebrating particular occasions with sparkling wine. It’s true that consume alcohol has become a common culture but more over time it causes problem drinking when you cross the limit in drinking. So, for the better health and fitness avoid the use of alcohol. But it’s safe to take 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks for men.
Home Remedies for Alcoholism
To overcome alcoholism, first finds out the reason for alcoholism. For an alcoholic person it’s very tough to leave alcoholic drink but a person has strong willing to give up or stay away from alcoholism then it’s possible with strong determination. There are various remedies for alcoholism.
-A very good home remedy for Alcoholism is eating as many apples as u can at regular period can help you to decreases the craving for alcohol and clean the toxins from the body system.
-A very important home remedy for alcoholism is a diet of grapes for 1 or 2 month because fruit contains a form of alcohol.
-Mix 3 teaspoon juice of bitter ground leaves in a glass of buttermilk. Drink this juice with an empty stomach in the early morning as bitter ground leaves is a beneficial in clearing intoxication and very useful home remedy for alcoholism..
-Mix 3 teaspoon of juice in a glass of buttermilk is very useful to cure the damaged liver.
-Rub 4 to 5 dates in half glass of water and consume it two times in a day atleast for 1 month. This is highly beneficial and effective home remedy for alcoholism.
-Drink 2 glasses of Gatorade at regular basis. It will provide you better relief from headache pain and really a effective home remedy for alcoholism.
-Mix Half a glass of celery juice in an same quantity of water. Drink it everyday for a month. It is really good home remedy for alcoholism.
-Drink bouillon soup as it help to hangover after consuming alcohol. It provides good replacement of required vitamin and mineral which are necessary for the body to stay fit.
-If a person feels craving for refreshment then eat snacks or candy and drink juices. It is a good home remedy for alcoholism.
-Avoid refined foods such as strong condiments, sugar, macaroni products, white rice, white flour, and meat.
-Smoking must be avoided as it raises the wish for alcohol
-A person who wishes to be free from alcoholism should put refinement juice fast for 10 days in the starting. Over a period, person will gradually feel fewer craving .for alcohol. This remedy will help you to leave the drinking habit.
Find information and treatment for Alcoholism Natural Treatment Tips, Alcoholism Home Remedies, Symptoms, Alcoholism Ayurveda Treatment Guideline, Alcoholism Causes DetailsAlcoholism Natural Treatment
Tips, Alcoholism Natural Treatment Tips, Alcoholism Home Remedies, Symptoms, Alcoholism Ayurveda Treatment Guideline, Alcoholism Causes Details
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