Examples Of Motivation

Dr. Purushothaman
December 14, 2013

Everyone begins walking for different reason, but no matter why you began walking, there will come a time that you will need motivation to continue your walking program.

Here are some examples of how walkers maintain motivation:

• Instead of watching a clock while I walk, I estimate how many songs I can listen to while walking for 1/2 an hour and I count songs instead of minutes.

• I set small goals and reward myself regularly. My two favorite rewards are guilt-free TV time and uninterrupted reading time.

• Once a week I drive somewhere new and take my walk in a new neighborhood. I’ve met some nice people doing this.

• I have a walk buddy. We walk together once a week and stay in touch in between encouraging each other.

• Twice a month I meet friends near a dog park and we walk our dogs after we catch up and the dogs play.

• I bring a tape recorder and record family memories to write down at a later date for.

• I walk on different days and times so it doesn’t get as boring.

• On the day I do errands, I park a few blocks from my destination if I don’t have a lot of shopping to do.

• I treat myself to a lunch out with friends weekly. We all walk at a nearby park after we eat.

• For me, a walking journal helps me keep motivated. I like seeing the progress I’ve made enjoy remembering walks where I have met people.

• Once a month I walk somewhere new and bring my camera and a small notebook. I photograph the area and takes notes.

• For each of the 4 days I walk I have a different person I walk with. I then have one day that it is just my dog and I that walk.

• I pick a random day off from walking once a month and make that time to do something for myself.

No matter what you do to stay motivated and keep with your walking program, it is important to make sure you get the most out of your walks. One way to do this is by wearing the Stepgym shoe – The Toning Shoes, so that every step is a workout. Burning more calories and becoming more fit than when wearing traditional walking shoes, is motivating to many walkers.

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