Emergency Medical Alert Systems for Individuals

Dr. Purushothaman
September 12, 2013

When making your decision on an emergency medical alert system, you will need to decide if you want a system that is paid for up front and monitors monthly for free, or if you want to use a system that charges you monthly for as long as you use the service. One of the more popular choices is a system that is self-contained and you only pay upfront for the equipment. These types of systems will cost roughly $200 or less. Other systems will charge $40-$80 per month for their service. By paying for your system once, you don't have monthly payment fees and you own the emergency medical alert system outright.
This system contains a console base and a basic panic button as the pendant. The base is where you will program the numbers of the people who will respond to the emergency. New research has shown that there is less delay in the response to the medical emergency if you program people that you know and love into the call program. These people can come from family, friends, neighbors or even co-workers. The numbers don't even have to be local; the program system allows long distance telephone numbers as well as the 911 response number. It is suggested that the 911 response number be the last number in the call sequence. When the emergency medical alert systems are activated, the call program begins consecutively calling the numbers you had configured until a real person is reached. The panic pendant is to be worn or placed nearby in order to push the button in time of need. Many people have found that, to be even more effective, they use more than one panic pendant and place them in various places throughout their house - typically on the floor beside a table or chair leg. This way, if they should forget to have one on their person, there will be one within reach.
The emergency medical alert systems work in every state in the U.S. They even work, and are licensed for use, in Canada. This allows your call list to include people anywhere in the country. The call recipient can simply call their local 911 and have the call dispatched through the 911 network to get help for the person experiencing the problem. The typical range for the wireless system is 3500 square feet. This is usually enough range for anyone's home. The pendant has a range of over 100 feet in diameter, and it is water-resistant. This allows it to be worn in the shower or tub if the person wants. The size is small enough that it is light and easy to carry, weighting no more than two ounces. The emergency medical alert systems are backed up by a 9 volt battery in case of power failures. There is a light on the base console that will tell you when the battery is running low and you need to change it for a new one.
These emergency medical alert systems do such a good job of putting out an alert during an emergency that they are widely recommended by the medical community. They are easy to use and maintain, and most systems come with at least a 30 day return policy as well as a one-year guarantee on the machine.

Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Emergency-Medical-Alert-Systems-for-Individuals/1508911/

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